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Imagine that it is important for you to control something once. For example, your pulse or blood pressure. Is it easy? Yes, this is quite feasible for everyone. Now imagine doing the same thing 50 times. Is it easy? It will be much more difficult. Now imagine that 50 times a day it is important for you to control something light and elusive, completely intangible, for example... thoughts. Will it be easy for you? To understand how difficult it will be for you, it is worth clarifying what “thought control” means and why it is needed at all. Thought control is an attempt to monitor: all current thoughts, so that certain thoughts do not appear, the cause of thoughts, internal dialogue on certain topics, certain more vivid thoughts, so that you only have “useful”, “correct” thoughts, so that thoughts do not turn into actions + these are attempts to understand whether you are thinking about your desire or just thinking about an abstract topic. Why is all this necessary? Absolutely not necessary, literally at all! But! If you are faced with obsessive-compulsive neurosis, then any attempt to block such attempts purely mechanically will ultimately lead to point number two on the list that I indicated above. That is, we are talking about the formation of a kind of cognitive trap. You are thinking about something obsessively. And any attempt not to think about something obsessively only strengthens the power of obsession. Why is this happening. A spoiler is not a sign of madness. This is a sign that neurotic reactions 1 and 2 are triggered in your case - hypercontrol and/or painful doubts. The essence of hypercontrol is to obsessively monitor something (usually sensations in the body, less often thoughts) in order to guarantee avoid any problems. At the same time, it is not always clear to you exactly what problems you want to avoid, that is, it happens that you still have a certain feeling of avoiding something bad. Or you are trying to avoid loss of function (breathing, blinking, swallowing, thinking, perceiving, etc.). The essence of painful doubts is that you turn to what is happening in your head and question the normality, the healthy nature of your thoughts. Essentially, you cannot decide whether you are mentally healthy or not. At the same time, anxiety, which triggers doubts, creates a feeling that something is going wrong and prevents you from making a final internal decision. What to do? On your own - try to disable hypercontrol (how to do this in the video attached in the comments). But with doubts, all you have to do is go to a psychotherapist, since logically obsessive doubts do not go away. If you found the article useful, feel free to click the “say thank you” button at the bottom right. If you have anxiety, fears, neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression. If you want to manage your condition on your own, then start learning specific skills to manage your condition now.