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"Ohh father tell meDo we get what we deserve?We get what we deserve...Way down we go..."Kaleo "Way down we go “In recent years, many who have spoken on this topic have strengthened the opinion that the Internet as a technology and as a space is forever, just as when books once appeared and remained in the life of mankind. It follows from this hypothesis that the entire Internet infrastructure, which provides the ability to work “online,” do business, communicate, etc. - also forever. However, this opinion is at least controversial, and in fact it is wrong. Few people think about why, in principle, the Internet is so widespread, fast and relatively cheap? The reason for this has nothing to do with the demand or uniqueness of the Internet as a product, see it is necessary wider, more globally. The possibility of mass use of the Internet is provided by electricity (energy) and it is in it that the key to everything, including the future of this very Internet. Currently, in massively “internetized” countries - more or less cheap electricity, say so – accessible to these same masses. That is why citizens have so many devices [excessive quantity] that allow them to access the Internet. In turn, electricity is relatively affordable, also for a simple reason - for now there is plenty and even abundance - the world's reserves of oil, as well as gas, coal, wood. As soon as there is significantly less oil, and this will inevitably happen, maybe not tomorrow, but in the next 100-150 years, then electricity will immediately become “new oil” in terms of cost. This will start a chain reaction... Expensive electricity will entail a decrease in its mass consumption, and this automatically means that people will have to choose what exactly to spend the limited expensive electricity that they can afford to some extent. How each of us now chooses what to spend a limited amount of money on in a store. With all the seeming irreplaceability of the Internet today, it is unlikely that many will choose between the Internet and the opportunity to wash clothes/cook food - in favor of the Internet [the opposite would be strange]. Thus – mass use of the Internet will cease by itself, and gradually disappear altogether. For government services, the army and other structures - which will not be tied to the limit on electricity due to their “special significance” - the Internet will continue to serve the same functions, but in terms of mass household use, the age of the Internet is initially limited. Moreover, the first mass collapses The use of the Internet will not have to wait either 100 or 150 years. The fact is that, for example, the United States already, according to various estimates, exports (buys from others for itself) from 18 to 23% of the electricity it needs. And the United States is the undisputed leader in terms of how people use the Internet. In the United States, good, high-speed Internet is still expensive. And precisely because electricity is becoming more expensive, because the country buys almost a quarter of all volumes rather than produces them, it is not difficult to imagine what will happen when, in the next couple of decades, Americans are massively faced with the everyday choice: go to social networks. network or turn on the washing machine, watch a movie online or use the iron... And this awaits all countries, not just the USA. The world's "leaders" in electricity exports are countries such as Germany, France, Canada, Russia, China. One day, Facebook will be empty, it will turn out to be the same ghost town, of which there are plenty in any country. If you also take into account that There are factors that can accelerate the onset of shortages of both oil and gas and electricity, for example, global wars or natural disasters, then the fate of the mass Internet is already sealed, and in the near future. By the way, in this development of events I see only positive things for people. Without the Internet, the pace and rhythm will decrease, which will give more opportunity to recover and relax, people will meet again more and for real.