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Conflict in a relationship is an inevitable factor in any couple and can cause many problems, including lack of understanding and sex. Let's look at this problem in more detail. When internal conflict occurs in one or both partners, it means that internal thoughts, desires or values ​​do not correspond to what is happening on the external level of the relationship. This can be due to various reasons, such as different opinions about money, raising children, work, or even the division of household responsibilities. A discrepancy between internal expectations and reality can lead to problems in understanding and communication. When partners do not understand each other and cannot find a common language, this can lead to disagreements, conflicts and even unproductive swearing. Lack of understanding, in turn, makes it difficult to solve problems and strengthen relationships. When each partner is set on his own position and is not ready to listen and perceive the point of view of the other, this deprives the relationship of the opportunity for growth and development. Dissatisfaction with sexual life can also be associated with the internal conflict of one and the conflict in the couple. Different expectations, loss of passion, unmet sexual needs, or self-esteem issues can all lead to a cooling of the intimate life and thus increase conflicts in the couple. To overcome these problems, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the existence of internal conflict and conflict in the relationship. It's worth finding time with your partner to have an honest and open discussion, sharing thoughts and feelings. Mutual understanding arises only when both partners are ready to listen to each other and find compromise solutions. It is best to do this together with a family psychologist. Don't forget that every couple is unique, and every relationship has its own characteristics. It is also important to remember that not all conflicts are negative. Properly managed conflict can contribute to the growth of relationships, strengthening trust and intimacy. But the main thing is to love and respect each other, strive for mutual understanding and remember that conflict in a couple can be overcome if you pay attention to it and work on it together. Sign up for joint, couples/family consultation via WhatsApp +79204545883 Sincerely, your psychologist, family psychologist - Yana Tyshchuk.