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Dienesh's logical blocks are a universal tool in the work of a psychologist. They contribute to the formation of prerequisites for educational activities. They can be used with different age groups and in different forms. According to the author Ilnina K.K.: “Blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician, psychologist, theorist and practitioner Zoltan Dienes. Games with blocks visually introduce children to the shape, color and size of a figure.” Dienesh blocks are intended for children and adults from three years old. The set consists of 48 geometric shapes. There is not a single identical figure in it. Each is characterized by four features: shape, color, size and thickness [1]. In the context of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the most relevant development techniques is gaming technologies that teach and develop the child. Dienesh is of the opinion that: “The best way for children to learn is not to sit at a desk and listen to the teacher, but to play freely and develop through play.” Games with blocks develop in children: 1. Logical and analytical thinking. Mental operations: analysis, comparison, classification, generalization [3].2. Creativity and creative thinking. 3. Cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention and imagination. While playing with Dienesh blocks, the child performs a variety of objective actions: groups by attribute, lays out rows according to a given algorithm, classifies and rearranges, etc. [3]. Psychological play activities with It is advisable for children 3-4 years old to master the properties of an object, shape, size and color perception. You need to start with the simplest games and gradually move on to complex ones. Dyanesh’s albums will find practical use in such classes. They are designed for different ages and levels of knowledge. The albums contain different tasks and exercises. The colorful design will immediately attract the child’s attention [1]. For further work, use the book "Playing with logic blocks: a training course for children 5-6 and 7-8 years old." It outlines a systematic course aimed at developing the logical and mathematical development of children. According to the author Dyachenko N.N., work with blocks can be carried out in different areas of activity. For example, the development of skills necessary in school for solving mathematical and logical problems. Speech development: during the game task, children learn to actively use words and speech structures. Study sounds in a word and determine their place [2]. Using blocks in role-playing games and educational games. This will allow children to acquire knowledge about the world around them. For example, the use of blocks as substitute items for money, medicine, instead of vehicles, etc. Development with the help of blocks of determination, self-control and patience. By performing various tasks, children learn to control their actions in accordance with the task, learn to achieve the task and in the process acquire the skill of patience [2]. Children are always delighted during correctional and developmental classes using logic blocks! They complete tasks with enthusiasm and interest. They willingly share their successes and thoughts with others. Actively participate in the discussion of the results at the end of the lesson. Thus, Dienesh’s logical blocks are a universal tool in the practice of psychologists for development and correctional work with children. This material is used in correctional work with children who do not master the educational program in a timely manner, and during individual work with gifted children. It also allows you to use not only recommended games, but also develop your own with different levels of complexity. List of used literature: 1. Ilyasova K. K. The use of Dienesh logical blocks in the intellectual development of school-age children - Young Scientist, 2015. -15.- 35 p. 2. Dyachenko N. N. Methodological recommendations for the use of Dyanesh blocks in the development of preschool children. - M.: Ust-Labinsk, 2023. - 81 p. 3. Zakharov N.. 22-32.