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I have this appeal to you: do not leave therapy when you feel a little better. Over the years of practice, I have often encountered situations when people came with acute needs, after a few sessions they clearly felt better and stopped therapy. But what happened next and why is it not only ineffective, but even to some extent dangerous? The person has a problem: codependent relationships, panic attacks, problems at work, with finances, with children, and others. He comes to a psychologist and an experienced specialist, even in one session, is able to move the situation so that the person becomes easier. This happens due to the fact that new paths open up, a new perspective on his problem appears, he finds some solutions for himself and goes joyfully own life. Having applied everything that he understood during the session, he actually gets relief, but in most cases it is temporary. First of all, because it is only initial, more superficial and less deep. In the first sessions, you can identify visible causes and find the roots, but it’s not always possible to dig deep, it takes time. Deep and long-term changes do not come quickly. In most cases, people return because some problems have been solved, but many things still remain , which a person never learned to handle and, accordingly, could not change. Or some other nuances in life were not taken into account and the problem returned. And sometimes the true problem may lie in a completely different plane, and not in the one with which the person came. For example, a person comes with a request for problems with finances, and then an age crisis or relationship with family comes up. And this cannot always be noticed in one or two sessions, not only by a psychologist, but also by the person himself, as the first expert in his life. And so the work can continue in fits and starts: a person comes, then disappears, then returns. And often there is no deep, lasting result. This type of therapy is suitable for some, but another is more effective: when for quite a long time not only the indicated request, but also other related areas of a person’s life that are inevitably involved in his problem are transformed, worked out and at a deep level change consciousness and further human life. Of course, short-term therapy is suitable for some problems. For example, to stop obsessive thoughts and states or panic attacks, to cope with an acute crisis, to respond to strong emotions in connection with some current problem, but without deep study of them, the problem may return again. And I have described here only one reason for clients leaving therapy . There are actually a lot of them. This includes resistance, finances, a reluctance to touch upon trauma, to go to depth, poor contact, inappropriate methods, lack of results, a person’s special personality structure, the style of his usual communication, and many others. In general, I am for long-term therapy , because both from personal experience and from client experience, only it brings magical results in all areas of a person’s life. If you want to deal with your problems not superficially and are not afraid to go deeper, sign up for a consultation. I will guide you by the hand through all the pain points and you will be able to heal them. You can sign up for a consultation with me here. I will be glad to see you in my Telegram channel: https://t.me/ilgalandgraf_psy And also in the VKontakte group: https://vk.com/ilgalandgraf_psy