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Sleep disturbances accompany many problems: depression, bipolar disorder, grief, anxiety. The methods described below may be useful only after consulting a somnologist or psychotherapist. If these tips do not help you, we advise you to seek medical support. 1) First of all, reduce or eliminate caffeine intake. Caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in tea, energy drinks, dark chocolate, some types of soda (for example, Coca-Cola or good cola), and dark chocolate. Research shows that if you consume caffeine during the day, you may have a harder time falling asleep. 2) Take care of your space. You need to make sure that the room you sleep in is comfortable and dark. Therefore, if you have a bad pillow, mattress, blanket, you are too hot or too cold, solve this problem. Buy yourself a comfortable pillow and mattress. A client came to me who complained of symptoms of depression: fatigue and powerlessness. After a few questions about his life, it turned out that he had recently moved, and the bed was terribly uncomfortable. His task was to buy himself a new bed, a wider one, and lo and behold, the client began to get enough sleep and his symptoms went away. 3) If you want to sleep soundly, make sure the room is dark. I go on vacation quite often and rent accommodation. Usually landlords skimp on curtains, which makes me wake up early and feel exhausted or want to sleep. Now I began to choose housing with dark, good curtains and problems with well-being faded into the background. Therefore, create a dark space for yourself.4) Maintain a sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, on weekdays and on weekends. Your body will know at what time it will produce sleep hormones and send you signals to fall asleep. Usually, when they talk about sleep, everyone means difficulty falling asleep, but sleep disorders also show us another part: namely difficulty waking up. These are two parts of one whole. How can it be easier to wake up? 1) First of all, add light. If you want to sleep better, we add darkness, if you want to wake up, add light. How to combine it? You can use smart curtains that will open at a certain time, alarm clocks that simulate the dawn, you can ask another family member who gets up earlier to open the curtains for you. 2) Do not press snooze on the alarm clock. Hitting the snooze button sends you back to sleep only to be interrupted by the next alarm, leaving you feeling tired and groggy. 3) Create a wake-up routine. Come up with your ideal morning and spend it in a certain way. For example, a yoga class, a short walk, a nice shower, whatever seems like a great way to start the day. 4) Add flavor. Some aromas may be invigorating for you, for example, the smell of coffee or certain flowers. If you add them to your morning, your awakening will be faster and painless. Of course, it is quite difficult to list all the tips. For those who would like to help people adjust their biological and social rhythms, as well as work with bipolar disorder, we invite you to the IPRST self-study group https://purecognitions.ru/group_ipsrt