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There are girls who know how to work, but their work does not light them up and does not give them a sense of meaning. They know how to organize themselves and others, confidently move towards a goal, bear responsibility, and make decisions. Compared to many others, everything is going quite well for them. But what are their thoughts? How do they feel? They lack joy and interest in life. There is constant tossing and uncertainty in their souls. Regret that time is wasted. And it’s scary to start all over again. But in the end they lose not only time... Their loved ones lose a source of inspiration and resource and admiration. After all, when there is a person nearby who is satisfied with his life and himself, it is always warm and good to be with him. Children are losing their bearings. When they see a dissatisfied, tired mother, they absorb the same scenario and conclude that work is not easy and uninteresting. How much do those around you lose? How much benefit these confident and purposeful girls could bring if they unpacked their values, talents, and abilities. If you allowed yourself to follow your heart and only your path? How much happier would their lives and the lives of those around them be? After all, finding your place in life means feeling within yourself the harmony of soul, body and thoughts. Imbue every cell with meaning, energy, inspiration. And it is imperative that when you realize this meaning, it becomes very easy to act, nothing can stop you. You do it out of a state of fullness and love and don’t see barriers. And when you work because you received such an education without thinking or because everything is already set up and clear here, but the new is scary - you deprive yourself of real life, the one you really deserve . Yes, even when business feeds you and it’s reckless to go nowhere, nothing prevents you from hearing yourself, understanding your path and building it from an adult position, when a life strategy is written down and time for restructuring is determined. By doing something that does not allow us to develop our potential and bring the best we can give into the world, we disrupt energy exchange and, instead of joyful anticipation of a new day, we wake up with a feeling of melancholy and meaninglessness. By earning hard or sad money, we prevent ourselves from earning joyful ones. I remember my 10 years of searching for meaning. I changed many jobs, and everywhere I very quickly realized: it’s not for me, I’m bored, there is no prospect... My soul was filled with doubts, haunted by the thought that something needed to be changed. And one day I came for a consultation to find my purpose. And now, for 7 years, boredom has not returned to me. Never, no matter how difficult it was, I had no doubt that this was not my path, I needed to look for something else. On the contrary, there is excitement in my soul, ideas and thoughts are swarming in my head, every day I want to develop, learn, learn new things, improve. The more complex the request, the stronger my professional passion. Yes, it’s not easy and not everything works out right away, this is absolutely normal. But knowing where you are going and understanding that the work you are doing embodies your strongest sides is an indescribable feeling. And this is really happy money. It's hard to call it anything else. If you also want to find your path and start earning money out of a sense of joy, with a sense of meaning, then first I suggest you understand how your unconscious prevents you from living your real life, going your own way, giving the world the best that you have. you have a. If you also want to find your way and earn money with joy, with a sense of meaning, then subscribe to closed lessons “How to find yourself and your path through working with the subconscious"..