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From the author: Yes, it’s not without reason that our ancestors said: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.” This is not at all a consolation for ugly women, but a conclusion from centuries-old observations of beauties. Practice shows that very often for these women, to whom it seems that nature itself promised a bright and happy life, everything turns out exactly the opposite, and they are left alone, with a large burden of disappointments, disappointments and resentments. What's wrong with these women? Who is to blame for their unsettled female fate? Reason one: overly caring parents. If a beautiful daughter grows up in a family, then the parents are very worried about her fate. They believe, and sometimes quite rightly, that she has a better chance of getting into a relationship in which she will be more interested in her as a beautiful toy than in seeing her as a person with his desires and needs. But often, instead of teaching their daughter to respect herself and her feelings, to understand people and the motives of their behavior, and to develop the child’s personality, parents begin to simply intimidate her. I instill in her that beauty is dangerous, I tell tragic life examples, I discuss the tragic novels of movie heroines, actresses, acquaintances, and sometimes my own failed life. The girl grows up in fear and suspicion, and even if she meets a worthy man, their relationship is extremely unstable, since fear is a bad advisor in difficult situations and the main destroyer of trust. It is not beauty that is dangerous, but self-doubt, the inability to protect oneself, ignorance and fear of real life. Reason two: imposed stereotypes. Where can they come from and by whom can they be imposed? For example, offended girlfriends: victims of unhappy love and unhappy relationships like to impose their stereotypes on others. Some were offended by their husbands in marriage - and their friends, having listened to their “smart” advice, cease to value their family and trust their own husband. Others, who have complexes, consider themselves ugly, and men are known to be deceivers, subconsciously try to lead their girlfriends to loneliness. Sometimes even having an affair with their husbands, which I then happily reveal with a victorious cry: “Well, I told you that yours is no better than everyone else!” Or something like that. And in general, it’s hard not to notice how little confidence there is in society today that there are happy families, where people value and love each other, and remain faithful to each other. But with what passion, and even aggressiveness, those whose lives have not worked out or who themselves have been unable to create full-fledged relationships promote infidelity, declaring that everyone does it. You have to have a head on your shoulders so as not to succumb to all this. Not all families are unhappy, and there are much fewer spouses cheating on each other than is declared. And every family has problems, they just need to be solved among themselves, perhaps in consultation with a professional. Reason three: the desire to get everything at once. And this stereotype of behavior is imposed by parents who, loving their beautiful daughter, inspire her that she is special and, therefore, worthy of the best fate, special life benefits and circumstances. Moreover, she shouldn’t even have to do anything for this, because there are so many people who want to offer her all this. It is true that it is very difficult to find a person who can be both a friend, a helper, and a good lover. In order to meet such a person you need to make an effort and have patience. But you can do it differently - make several connections: “this one helps, this one is a friend, and I value that one as a sexual partner.” As a result, all relationships are inferior, and as a result, the woman still suffers from loneliness. Reason four: competition with the mother. It happens in families where the relationship between parents is more of a passion, without spiritual closeness. The father is constantly jealous and stalks the mother, and she often deliberately flirts with other men in order to keep her husband in suspense. And the girl feels it all perfectly. Often such a mother sees a rival in her growing daughter and strives.