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But really, how do you understand whether you have these notorious “internal blocks” in the area of ​​money or not? Everything is simple here) If you now have enough funds, and the efforts made meet your expectations in terms of return, then everything is ok! I can congratulate you. You are lucky, you can safely close this article. And if you are trying your best, you have tried a lot of options, but there is not enough money, even if you crack. Then you are at the right place. You can mentally say hello to the money block, let’s call it that. What kind of animal is this? What to expect from it? A money block is internal resistance on the path to money and greater income. Maybe in the unconscious there are beliefs about your unworthiness of big money, the same impostor complex. Or there is an idea about the dangers of owning money. Or maybe there is shame and rejection of wealthy people lurking. Let us remember the popular saying: “You cannot build stone chambers from righteous labors.” How does this work? While a belief/or other money block sits in the unconscious and feels very comfortable there, and the person doesn’t really notice it, the block influences the focus of attention and decisions. As an experiment: try to notice white cars on the road all week. Just look for them with your eyes. The whole week. At the end of the week, it will seem that only white cars populate your city. That there are only white cars everywhere: in a traffic jam, at a gas station, at a car wash. Well, it's just some kind of fashion! But no) Just your focus of attention and the command of the unconscious. It is difficult to retain any information in consciousness for a long time. Therefore, consciousness quickly transfers the task to the unconscious. It's like returning home along the famous road on autopilot. Oops, and it’s already your door. Do you understand? There is one more point. If there are a lot of negative experiences associated with money, this also blocks access to money. Why? Remember the feeling when tomorrow you go to the gym for a hard workout... You come and run gruelingly on the treadmill. You get tired, you sweat, your pulse goes through the roof. The pulse beats in my temples. And the monitor screen shows another 20 minutes of this suffering. Do you want to go to the gym?)) It’s the same. It’s the same with money. Emotions arise spontaneously, but the unconscious is tenacious. I received a salary, and it was from the series: “Who is this little one here?).” And how can you imagine that you pay the rent, save for groceries, make other payments - and what’s left? And for entertainment? Should I put aside all sorts of dreams for a bright future? And the mood is immediately sad. But the money is still in your hands. What do you think about income and money blocks? Sincerely, psychologist Svetlana Filippova P.S. If you want to improve your relationship with money or other issues, I invite you to Online consultations. You can sign up via the link (What's app chat). Group events can be viewed here