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Often we feel physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion, we don’t want to do anything, a feeling of emptiness comes, and in this case we can say that our resources seem to be at zero, and We often wonder how and where to replenish them. We may feel this as laziness, although, in fact, there is no such thing - if we just can’t get ourselves off the couch, then there is some reason for this, even if it is not clear what it is. Our resources are not infinite , and they need to be replenished one way or another. Often the feeling of devastation arose because at some point we were not attentive to ourselves and, thus, reached the last straw and “drained” the entire resource somewhere. Internal resources are associated with internal supports. Support is what gives me strength, nourishes me from the inside, while I am ready to meet and experience the feelings that arise at the moment. A resource can give me something external, as well as something internal. External resources can be material assets, cultural environment, travel, hobbies and other interesting activities, etc. Internal resources are our personal qualities, characteristics, skills, understanding of ourselves. How exactly resources can be replenished, I will tell you in the second part of the article, but for now I propose to figure out where our resources went, what did we waste them on? First things first I would like to talk about the situation when we do not satisfy our own needs and sometimes do not even notice it. This can even apply to the physiological, basic needs of our body: once upon a time, a typical situation for me was when I forgot to eat, and could only come to my senses when my stomach started to hurt. I simply did not notice the slight hunger and took the situation to the extreme. In those moments, I was not completely out of touch with my body. It’s good that these days are long gone! The second example of ignoring needs is the feeling of insecurity. You don’t have to look far for an example - the situation in which we now find ourselves due to quarantine gives many people a feeling of uncertainty and danger: when will it all end? Will I or my loved ones get sick? Will I lose my job? Over time, we may not think as actively about all this as at the very beginning, but the anxiety remains somewhere inside, and our resource is spent on somehow dealing with it and not being destroyed by it. The next situation of wasting resources is accumulation of thoughts, experiences, anxieties, fears in oneself without the opportunity or desire to share all this with someone. The lack of close communication and exchange of feelings forces us to “cook” everything in ourselves, inside, as a result, these feelings have no outlet, wasting a large amount of our internal energy. Next we can talk about the imbalance of “take-give” and the moments when we take on more responsibility , than we should take. Taking everything upon yourself, while giving a lot without replenishing energy to yourself is a direct way to quickly waste your resource. The following follows from the previous point: if we do not pay attention to ourselves, spread rot, do not accept ourselves to one degree or another, our energy goes away. This also includes situations when a person does not do what he loves, forces himself a lot, acts only out of a feeling of “should”. At the same time, the person splits - that part of myself appears that I recognize and accept, and the part that I “took behind the screen”, I don’t want to see it, recognize it as belonging to myself. Also, sometimes we get stuck in thoughts about the past or dreams of the future and do not live in the present. Often such getting stuck occurs in some information that we collect and consume in large quantities in the hope of drowning out our anxiety with it, for example, we observed this at the beginning of the pandemic, when many people were constantly trying to find information about coronavirus and trying to read and understand everything about him. But the important principle is that where there is attention, there is energy. If we constantly remember the past or dream about the future, we constantly spin in a circle.