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From the author: author: Demyanenko Yulia. September 12, 2012 Do you realize how many times a day you force yourself to do something you don't want to? How many times do you give in to the weight of the word “should” every day? Life is a chain, and the little things in it are the links. It is impossible not to attach significance to the link. (c) Our lives are like a fairy tale that we write ourselves. And the links of this wonderful fairy tale are daily responsibilities. When you don’t attach importance and meaning to the “links,” life turns into a routine. Georges Elgozy said: There is only one kind of work that does not cause depression - it is work that you are not obliged to do. So let's try to experiment and make life more joyful with the fulfillment of daily duties. Motivation is necessary for any accomplishment or achievement. Motivation is a special emotional state that encourages action in the right direction. And self-motivation, accordingly, is the ability to independently bring your emotional state to such a state. So we will try to turn the hardships of daily work into pleasure. To do this, we get acquainted with the word that is familiar to us, which has many constraints and does not help in fulfilling important or not so “links”. This word is “need.” When you “need” something, but have no desire, a feeling of heaviness appears and joy evaporates. So that you are filled with strength and daily duties are a pleasure. Try to ask yourself a few questions when “must” things appear: - do I really want this; - do I really need this? - will I feel good? - will I still have the strength to do...? It is very important to understand that everyone Whenever you say “should,” it means that you must have, do, or be something or someone that is not currently your preference. It is because of these “should” things that you don’t have enough time to be yourself. Is this what you are striving for? In everyday affairs, how many times are we influenced by “should”. You need to eat.. You need to make a purchase... You need to look good... You need to be affectionate.. You need to smile... You need to go grocery shopping... And throughout the day there are endless “shoulds”. And not completing many “should” tasks, causes a feeling of guilt, and then stress and pressure. And as a result, you stop feeling the integrity and joy of life. How to help yourself? Remember and write down the entire list of “to-dos” for today. A lot, isn't it? From them, choose the things that are really necessary for today. And this is where the magic begins. In each paragraph, write the word I WANT. After all, do you really want to do all this, accomplish it, etc.? And instead of “I need .....” it turns into “I want ....”. Do you feel how heaviness has changed to lightness? Congratulations! Now you have a choice. For with the appearance of the word “I want”, you give yourself the right, without dooming yourself to the unquestioning “must”. With the desire, the energy to achieve it appears... But the magic continues... And so you can easily do the favorite things in your life. But what to do if you don’t have the energy to do your favorite things? The majestic word “I can” will help you. When you pronounce the word “I can,” you are filled with solar energy and given the strength to move forward. Filling you with inner power and strengthening your “inner core.” Try to transform any “must”-thing into a “can-do” thing? It turns out?! Now you can do anything! You can connect the fairy tale of life with strong “links” and feel confident in your abilities. And most importantly: enjoy your little successes. One of the most effective ways of self-motivation is a daily feeling of satisfaction from the things accomplished during the day. You are already a winner if you have done at least one thing. Tomorrow you will do better because you already want and can, and not because you have to. Praise yourself, because daily responsibilities are a life that you can fill with the energy of desire, power and admiration. Live the amazing life that is inside of you. Wish, achieve, enjoy daily.