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From the author: Group “Stages of Formation of a Female Soul” on Saturdays in Samara: When does a girl become a woman? In modern society, it is customary to answer this question from the perspective of external events. Such events may be age, first sexual contact with a man. Some consider marriage or the birth of children to be such a criterion. In fact, it is the psychological component of female maturation that is almost of paramount importance. Only a psychologically mature woman is able to create a truly harmonious relationship with a man, give birth to and raise physically and psychologically healthy children, and maintain a favorable psychological climate in her family. Such a woman understands that she is, first of all, a Woman, and only then a mother, daughter, sister, specialist, etc. Such a woman accepts her feminine characteristics, her femininity, her sexuality. And she is also able to accept a man - with his characteristics, his masculinity and his specific male sexuality. And in order for a woman to actually have such an understanding, it is not enough to perform some external actions, for example, to lose her virginity or get married. This requires internal maturation, a psychological transition from one stage of development to another. This transition is also called initiation. We often observe how women, somewhere deep inside themselves intuitively understanding that they need to do something in order to finally become a so-called “Real woman,” pay a lot of attention to external attributes, rituals and actions, bypassing the internal process. And then we see how the girl says goodbye to her virginity, being completely unprepared and unaware of this process, and then reaps the benefits - she regrets, repents, and receives psychological trauma. We see how an immature woman gets married because, according to popular belief, she needs to do this in order to feel like a “Real woman.” And then in such marriages conflicts and betrayals begin and no one feels either satisfied or happy. A woman who has not undergone initiation cannot teach her daughter how to truly be a Woman - mature, fulfilled, happy. She can only teach what she herself can do, and as a result, another equally unhappy woman grows up, who, in turn, will teach her daughters the same. If a boy is born in such a family, then he receives information from his mother about what a woman should be, and in accordance with this information chooses a wife - the same as her mother, not initiated. And another dysfunctional family is born. Outwardly, a woman who has not undergone initiation may look different. This could be a completely successful businesswoman who has chosen the male world of business and competition as her “partner.” Such a woman has masculine strategies of behavior, thinking and reaction. Such women are also called Iron Ladies. And there are quite a few of them in the history of mankind. But whether they were truly happy in their races is a big question. Another example is girls with uncontrolled sexuality, leading a promiscuous sex life and having many partners. Outwardly, such a woman will exaggerate her sexuality, thus compensating for the internal feeling of her female inadequacy. Often mothers who have not gone through initiation give their daughters the order “Don’t grow up.” Such a mother is terribly afraid to admit that she already has an adult daughter, in full swing. After all, then she will have to admit that she is getting old. And this can be very painful for uninitiated women. In this case, we see a woman who, even at 50 years old, remains an infantile girl. In another case, an uninitiated woman can be a vest for everyone, a kind of hyper-caring “grandmother”, regardless of her real age. There are other examples. Among them we can note “First of all, the mother”, “Lonely old maid”, “Woman-daughter” and so on. Everyone