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We are accustomed to consider a victim to be someone who has suffered as a result of certain circumstances. But, in psychology, a Victim is something subjective, namely the role that a person has chosen for himself. This is the internal state of a person when he constantly feels injustice towards himself, resentment towards other people and situations. How to understand that this is a Victim in front of you? The Victim state is manifested by obvious complaints, descriptions of problems, constant excuses, which are called the suffering complex, blaming other people in their problems. Very often you can notice complaints about the politicians of our country, or another factor due to which “things are not going well”! But politicians change, and a person, as if he didn’t do anything, still doesn’t do anything, in general, the fact that he was born into the world is already sad, so he won’t be able to realize himself. In physical manifestation, these are unhappy eyes, drooping shoulders, a state of helplessness. Victims shift responsibility onto others, but avoid it themselves. As a rule, Victims have many plans and goals, but they constantly put them off until later and cannot motivate themselves! I would say “They are waiting for weather from the sea”! The internal state of a person is absolutely opposite to the state of a person who is internally Good. He’s not bad, but he can’t be called joyful either. This is a kind of vacuum state. The Victim is the complete opposite of the state of the Author, who takes full responsibility for his life. The following consequences follow from the suffering and helplessness of the state of Victim: - playing on the pity of another person; - a feeling of fear; - anger, resentment, readiness to blame all the people who, in the opinion of the Victim , are to blame for his suffering and do not want to solve them. People in this position collect all the negativity within themselves and contribute to the destruction of their personality. In a simple case, you can see a quite active client who is quite active, but in difficult situations begins to give up. He is also characterized by accusations against the offender or a desire for revenge. The main driver of the Victim is secondary gain, but there may also be thoughtlessness and the habit/desire to shift responsibility to other people. Most Victims provoke the emergence of situations that are unfavorable for them, since otherwise there will simply be no one to complain about and no one to reproach. How is the position of the Victim formed? The baby does not yet have this attitude; it is formed in the process of the child’s socialization. Along with skills and abilities, a person also learns behavior patterns. If the parents are Victims, then where will the child learn to act differently. Children begin to apply a behavior strategy to themselves around the age of three. They look at how they manage to achieve the satisfaction of their desires, how others react to their behavior. The Victim position for a child turns out to be the most profitable, since everyone feels sorry for the poor baby and buys him gifts! What to do with a person who is in the Victim position? The Victim position is the trigger for the Karpman triangle. After all, the Victim is looking for an Aggressor who will offend her and who will then be blamed. Well, and, of course, a Rescuer who will help! But the latter’s position is very unstable, because at the slightest dissatisfaction of the Victim, he will also be to blame.