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Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and physical health through certain motor exercises. Kinesiological methods influence not only the development of mental abilities and physical health, they make it possible to activate various parts of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the development of human abilities and the correction of problems in various areas of the psyche. In particular, the use of this method makes it possible to improve a child’s memory, attention, speech, spatial concepts, fine and gross motor skills, reduce fatigue, and increase the ability of voluntary control. Kinesiological exercises are successfully used by psychophysiologists to correct school difficulties and speech therapists to correct speech disorders. The advisability of using such exercises when conducting lessons in elementary school is due to the fact that school teaching methods train and develop mainly the left hemisphere of the brain. The main type of thinking of a primary school student is visual-figurative thinking, which is closely related to the emotional sphere; this presupposes the participation of the right hemisphere in learning. However, the entire education system is aimed specifically at the development of formal logical thinking. There is excessive stimulation of the functions of the left hemisphere, which are not yet characteristic of children, while the right hemisphere is inhibited. In response, as a result of overexcitation and overload of the left hemisphere, increased fatigue, distractibility and forgetfulness appear. And, as a consequence of insufficient activity of the leading right hemisphere - irritability, restlessness, anxiety, and decreased mood. Constant overexertion develops into chronic stress and manifests itself in the form of an increasing feeling of fatigue, distractibility, and headaches. To prevent such phenomena, we propose to use kinesiological exercises not only in specially organized correctional classes, but also during physical education minutes in class. In addition, according to psychophysiologists, a person needs movement to consolidate thoughts. Therefore, we do not teach an immobile child, and there is no need to scold him for excessive physical activity in the lesson. Full sets of exercises recommended by psychophysiologists cannot be fully applied within the framework of a lesson, in a regular class, due to many objective reasons. Therefore, we selected several simple and effective exercises that do not require a specially organized space, and suggested their use during physical education classes to the teacher of grade 1 “B” Plekhanova O.A. In order for the exercises to be effective, it was recommended to adhere to the following rules: Kinesiological exercises are carried out at the beginning of the lesson of the day as morning exercises and in all lessons, without exception, as dynamic breaks. The duration is 3-5 minutes, in total this is 20-30 minutes a day. Classes are held daily, without absences. Classes are held in a friendly environment. Children are required precise execution of movements and techniques. Exercises are carried out standing or sitting at a desk. Exercises are carried out according to specially designed complexes. The duration of classes for one complex is one academic quarter, holidays are a break. The exercise complexes include stretching, breathing exercises, oculomotor exercises, bodily exercises, exercises for the development of fine motor skills, relaxation exercises and massage. Stretching normalizes hypertonicity (uncontrollable excessive muscle tension) and hypotonia (uncontrollable muscle flaccidity). (“Snowman” “Tree” “Rag Doll and Soldier” “Pick Apples”) Breathing exercises improve the rhythm of the body, develop self-control and volition. (“Candle” “Breathe through the nose” “Diver”) Oculomotor exercises allow you to expand your field of vision and improve perception. Unidirectional and multidirectional movements of the eyes and tongue develop interhemispheric interaction and increase.