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From the author: About power over people and your own life. Published in the magazine "Name" "We have only the power that is recognized for them" Auguste KeratriHero on a pedestal. An example of dignity or a temptation to power? Leadership has many faces. Some liken him to a monster. For others, this is the pinnacle of a difficult journey. Reward for heroism and risk. The threads that connect the leaders with the followers are strong. Why are their souls intertwined from century to century? What do you have to pay for a place at the top, and should everyone strive to take it? The Birth of a Hero “A clear conscience, daring to assert itself, is the highest power” Romain Rolland To fix your gaze on yourself is only a matter of determination. It is born from the presence of a goal and a passionate desire. The scale of the tasks does not matter. Great and small things often require equal effort. You can strive to change the world. Or simply achieve prosperity. Open the way to distant countries, or take revenge on your enemies. The hands will accept any plans, and it is not their fault if the goal is chosen recklessly. Intention can start the process. In order for many to recognize the right to lead, we will have to try. Patience, will and work, united in a single impulse, are capable of giving birth to geniuses and monsters in equal measure. Moreover, the result is never known in advance. The mystery of power has given rise to many theories. Attempts to find order in the diversity of relationships between heroes and fans rarely yield results. The ancients believed that the reason for everything was the power contained in those chosen by heaven. Its source is in the will of the gods and the right of birth. Power descended like a ray of light and was sanctified by ritual. They tried to gain secret power with the help of formulas and rituals. The art of alchemy had the goal of revealing the secret of eternal life and absolute power, which was expressed in the symbolism of gold and the philosopher's stone. In the age of enlightenment, the social contract was considered the root of everything. The voluntary consent of people to obey the wise and brave. This is where the theory of innate qualities comes from. However, the power gene has not yet been discovered, as has the predisposition to heroism from birth. Proponents of the ideas of genetic superiority have killed many, but have not proven anything. Apart from the need to be careful with philosophical fantasies, the only conclusion from historical conflicts is that a person who believes that he is right can be very convincing. Completely regardless of the validity of the position and common sense. This is how the theory of irrational leadership appeared. According to it, power is provided not by reason, but by the ability to act contrary to it. Hence the destructive and often suicidal behavior of many who have reached the top. Psychoanalysis has found the source of submission in childhood. Having matured, a person wants to return to the state of a supervised child. For this purpose, giving others power over themselves. Looking for replacement parents in them. Placed on a pedestal, demigods become objects of fantasy. But dreams are in vain, and you have to rely on yourself. The line between the masses and the hero passes not in society, but in each of us. There are up to twelve processes that give rise to power and superiority. Faces of power “The art of management consists in the art of being honest” Thomas Jefferson The power of force. The power of a leader, powerful and formidable. The simplest and most primary connection between the leader and the led. Its source is obvious or perceived superiority in force and readiness to use it if necessary. Strength implies both the ability to punish insubordination and protection from external enemies. This is where any state begins. The power of wisdom. The superiority of strength is replaced by the triumph of the mind. This is the power of knowledge, or what it claims to be. A wise and experienced person can indicate solutions to problems, set tasks, warn about mistakes and protect from troubles. This is the power of elders and priests. It is often transferred from the founder to his teaching and disciples. The power of the expert. An expert is a bearer of knowledge, skill or power in a particular field and context. Such is the power of a doctor over a patient and an engineer over a worker. This is the power of a master, specialist and craftsman. It operates only within the boundaries of its bearer’s competence, being destroyed when they are crossed.Backed by skill and reputation. The power of beauty. The consequence of an uncontrollable desire for happiness. Includes fear of loss and the desire to possess the object of passion. The ruler of thoughts is not necessarily handsome, and more often than not only reflects fans’ fantasies about an ideal personality. This power arises and manifests itself spontaneously, and is not subject to logical control. The power of desire. Arises from the need for what another owns. The owner has the right to provide what he wants or to deprive it. This is the power of the employer over the employee, dominance in personal relationships, and any arbitrariness of the owner of resources that are not freely available over the consumer. The power of habit. Reproduction of past actions and feelings. Each new repetition makes their power stronger. The situation may change, but the habit of obeying without any external coercion protects itself. The situation is typical for informal leadership and long-term relationships. The power of custom. The law is a reminder for the forgetful. A hidden reminder of threat and a promise of protection. Relies on the example of elders and the habit of obedience. Customs are often embodied in the figure of their interpreter. In a reasonable case, the law has an essence and power independent of its senders. The power of the group. Relies on social instincts. The need to belong, to be part of the same tribe. Receive communication and protection. Caring about others and being proud of their successes. This makes a person strive for and value membership in society. Hence the power of a group over an individual, usually exercised by its leaders. The power of trust. The power emanating from a recognized holder of status. Transferred to persons who are his representatives and assistants. Power of this kind is not the own quality of its bearer and does not belong to him, but is exercised in the name of the power that transferred it and is sent in its interests. The power of the situation. When someone has to take the initiative, whoever does it first gains power. It comes from the determination to accept responsibility. Its occurrence is typical for critical situations, with the loss of normal leadership, or in unorganized groups. This is the power of the bravest. The power of similarity. The power born of the illusion of similarity. Its wearer gives the impression of having power. He speaks, moves, orders as if he has every reason to do so. And this is often quite enough. Self-confidence charms and compels many to obey. Even if there are doubts. The power of persuasion. People meet and agree on the norms and rules of the game. They themselves become a source of power over themselves and their future. Unlike the power of custom, habit and group, the contract itself creates a new tradition and community. This is the power of the collective mind. Although he does not always turn out to be the best exponent of wisdom. Recipes from leaders “A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has merits” Vasily Klyuchevsky The more keys of power are collected together, the stronger it is. Absolute power requires everyone at once. Ancient tyrants dreamed of ruling thoughts, arousing love and instilling fear. Considered teachers of wisdom and descended from the gods. Perform feats and dictate laws. Their dominance was unquestionable. But a mortal does not have the omniscience of a deity. No one can bear the burden of a higher being. A smart leader knows where to stop. And he is in no hurry to anger the gods. But he does not suffer from timidity, realizing the scale of his own personality. Accepting responsibility for influencing the destinies of others. And sometimes for the entire course of history. He understands that he will be judged for everything. Every word and gesture, weakness and passion, will be subject to public analysis. And little can be hidden from the eyes of future researchers. At the same time, the unanimity of descendants cannot be achieved. There will be fans of villains and denouncers of heroes. No culture has a common assessment of historical figures. Judgment is always subjective. And it often says more about the personality of the judge than about the person being assessed. Therefore, a leader must be able to distance himself from emotions.»