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There are times in life when the degree of anxiety goes off scale and panic occurs. Panic is caused by a sudden surge of adrenaline in response to a trigger perceived as a threat. A trivially anxious thought about the future can cause a panic attack. Even if this is only a trigger thought, the body’s reaction is quite real and extremely unpleasant. What can we say about the situation of a real physical threat or post-traumatic experiences. Why did nature provide for the release of adrenaline as a reaction to a real or imaginary threat? Adrenaline is a powerful stimulant, it puts the body in an instant readiness to run or attack, sometimes adrenaline helps to act at the limit of human capabilities. On the one hand, we receive obvious benefits. On the other hand, too much adrenaline can provoke a state of shock, the load on the cardiovascular and nervous system increases exponentially, as a result the body cannot cope in the moment and experiences a panic attack. What body reactions accompany a severe panic attack? This is an increased heart rate, at the same time the blood vessels narrow spastically, breathing may become difficult, a headache or chest pain occurs, vision becomes blurred, there is noise in the ears, and nausea may occur. When you are faced with such a condition, you can hardly think about anything else except how quickly it would stop. At the same time, fear arises that this will never end, subjective time begins to pass more slowly and it seems that you spent tens of minutes in this state, although in fact it was several seconds or minutes. People who are prone to panic attacks and have experienced them more than once know medication means (these drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist or neurologist) that help them and carry them with them. For those who are faced with such a problem for the first time, it can be difficult to navigate and help themselves. No one ever knows whether he will ever face a panic attack or not, so it is advisable to know the main points of self-help or helping people experiencing a panic attack in front of you. What can be done, to quickly calm down?1. It is necessary to relieve the spasm and restore blood circulation. Rubbing numb fingertips, earlobes, and lips will help. It is important to warm up and, if possible, drink something hot in small sips (caffeine and alcohol should definitely not be taken) or place your hands under moderately hot water. 2. Restore the breathing rhythm. It is a mistake to breathe too deeply or too quickly, as this will only make hyperventilation worse. You need to try to breathe slowly, rhythmically and not too deeply; holding your breath can also provoke an intensification of the attack, so we do not allow long breath-holds.3. Use grounding. It is important to feel the support: sit down with your back against the wall. Start listing out loud all the objects you see and their colors. At this moment, you don’t need to listen to your inner feelings, they are already frightening. Focus on the outside. 4. Get support. It’s good if someone is next to you and can support you; if no one is nearby, you can call someone you trust. You can sign up for a consultation via WhatsApp +79162810974