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Recently I got stuck on a cool phrase that a lecturer told us during one of the trainings: “we cannot influence the occurrence of our emotions, but we can influence their duration.” I once posted a post about emotional self-regulation (on my account in the prohibited in the Russian Federation social network), and how this skill helps us remain resilient without blocking our emotions. But I so like the idea that we can influence our emotional state through ourselves, first of all, that I will not stop ringing all the bells about it. Quite often, not only in practice, but also in personal experience, I come across the fact that an emotion sometimes feels so great that in comparison with it all our strengths seem minuscule. And that's okay. An emotion that often arises hits us like a surfer's wave, regardless of his level of skill - we are all susceptible to an emotional explosion. But it is important to remember that any emotion is energy, a signal. For example, have you noticed that the more we run away from anxiety, the worse it becomes? The situation is absurd: we spend a huge amount of energy avoiding difficult emotions, but instead we get x2. What then? The idea that emotion can be directed really resonates with me. For example, if you direct anxiety not into avoiding from, but into striving for, then this will allow you to pull yourself together and feel like a driver of the process. Where I influence, I translate uncertainty into something more specific. As an example: do not run away from writing a work report / etc., but see this as the final goal and move towards it (deliver on time, get good feedback on the work, breathe out load). There is a good technique that allows you to better recognize what our emotions are signaling: 1. Write down the emotion; 2. Opposite the written emotion, write down the need that you think is behind it. For example: I feel sad ----> I want someone close to me to talk to me, I need support. Strong emotions are really important to experience, but it is not the same as being stuck in them. If we can use our own emotions for our own benefit, and not go into self-destruction, then we are on the right path to contact with ourselves and a conscious life. You can sign up for a consultation via TG / WhatsApp by phone number: +7 921 771-35-30 or on the website: https://marupsy.ru/TG channel: https://t.me/marugovoritIG: @maru.shaa (social network banned in the Russian Federation)