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From the author: Hello, friend! (daughter)! I’m sending you some useful educational moments, but you should know that no mother can live without this. Hello, friend! (daughter)! I’m sending you some useful educational moments, but you should know that no mother can live without this. I was inspired to write this letter to a client on behalf of her mother by one case when one of my clients was in a difficult relationship with her mother. She knew that she didn’t want to be as angry and picky as her mother, but she couldn’t understand what kind of person she wanted to be then, like herself. Thoughts about her mother's failures constantly came to her mind. Gradually, she began to condemn her mother, and even many of her harmless habits began to seem disgusting to her daughter. So mom lit a cigarette again, but in the new church where she goes, they say that nicotine is the same drug. But there is an even more evil enemy, more terrible than cigarettes. These are drugs. This is not a slight shadow of nicotine, but a serious immersion in a hallucinatory state. Knowing many such stories, when a daughter, without understanding it, condemns her mother, and definitely does not want her to become the same loser as she, I can assure that some children begin their own independent path, of course, a good one, and not a pathological one, what my mother was like, with even more terrible habits and companies. If you use drugs, you will never be able to give birth to a healthy child, like your mother did, because you are healthy? And this fact is largely her merit. If you can give up cigarettes, but people don’t do this only if they really choose to smoke, and choose it with a sober head and in a conscious state, then a very strong addiction arises from drugs. The ability to work disappears, money disappears, the opportunity to work, a good name and, most importantly, the opportunity to have healthy relationships in the family and have a family and a child. Heroin addicts live for about 5 years after starting to use heroin, and their body can’t stand it any longer. After the first addiction occurs, fears begin to appear and the colors of the world fade, until the person again uses the drug to which he is already addicted; later he requires increasingly larger doses, because the negative state that arises in the interval between taking the drug becomes increasingly difficult to cope with. The circle closes. Many young drug addicts die from overdoses, and many contract AIDS from sharing needles. But it’s not AIDS that’s scary in this case - it’s the betrayal of your “I” when you want to “ruin his glasses” with another dose. Not a single child or teenager or adult would want to consciously learn to lie to himself, to distort facts with the help of hallucinations, because this is a betrayal of his body, which is also the Church of Christ, and his spirit, which has the same divine meaning for human nature, as is the spirit of Christ. Please do not descend to this state of the living dead if, of your own free will or on the false recommendations of others, you decide to do this, but remember this danger - even a few samples of narcotic substances can cause addiction and a fatal habit of using them. And mom, with whom did you decide to argue? Mom already once found the principles that saved her in her life - no hallucinatory substances, and you find yours, which, I am sure, will be similar to you, because all good people think the same, whether their life was successful or not. What would happen to mom if she didn’t follow her principles and didn’t limit herself to one small cigarette a day, loving you selflessly at that time? Would she still be alive today? Wouldn't you argue about luck with an already dead woman? Mom has been living her own way for a long time. Start living your life well! Without one and without the other. https://www.elenasokolova.biz/