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Sound, smell, angle of light - this can be enough for a traumatized person to begin to experience a painful memory again. The same bodily sensations, the same pain and horror, the same actions or inaction that were then... Only without understanding that these are echoes of the past, that reality has changed and in it you can find a resource, help, show will, change behavior. Difficulties of perception Traumas as Part of Past ExperienceProfessor Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Remembers Everything, cites the results of brain research and draws attention to one of the interesting phenomena: people often experience a traumatic memory as if it were happening in the present time. The moment they hit it, they don't realize that the event is in the past, that it had a beginning and an end, that now it is just a memory, not reality. “Traumatic memories are fundamentally different from the stories we tell about the past. They are dissociated: the individual sensations that entered the brain at the time of trauma do not form properly into a single story, part of an autobiographical memory,” writes Bessel van der Kolk. The professor notes that one of the stages of working with trauma is that in which -the moment it becomes possible for a person to coherently talk about the event that happened, consistently present the facts and integrate them into the picture of his life. “Dissociation prevents the trauma from becoming part of the united, constantly changing stories of autobiographical memory, which, in essence, leads to the formation of a dual memory system . Normal memory integrates the elements of each event into a continuous stream of self-perception through a complex associative process: imagine a dense but highly flexible network in which each element has little impact on many others... If the core problem of PTSD is dissociation, then the goal of treatment should be association: integration disparate elements of trauma into a continuous history of a person's life so that the brain can distinguish between past and present. One technique that can be used at the stage of integrating traumatic memories into the context of life and “fitting” them into the client’s biography to create a coherent story is “Life Line “Life Line” technique This technique can also be used to comprehend crises and search for resources (we look at how a person coped, got out of crisis situations in the past, what helped him). Take a sheet of horizontally oriented paper (A3, whatman paper, wallpaper) and draw a line in the middle. Mark the main stages. - Date of birth. You can ask the client to draw a symbol/metaphor of his birth, talk about his feelings and emotions associated with this fact. - If this is important in the context of working with the client’s request, we mark the symbolic date of conception on the left. We explore what path the mother took before the date of conception, what path the father took, how conception affected the family and society, whether there were threats of termination of pregnancy, thoughts about abortion, how the birth went, etc. - From the moment of birth, we count the notches to the right: through every 3-5 years. - The life line is counted either until the current moment (if the work time is limited and the main focus is on the past), or until the expected date of death (we ask the client until what age he sees himself alive). - In the case of With the date of death, as with the date of birth, we can invite the client to metaphorically depict his departure (this point may be especially important if the client is in an existential crisis). For example, “Night will come and the flower will close its bud” - “How is this flower now? How did he live the day that came to an end?” We work with the space between the date of birth and the current date/date of death. We ask the client to note the main events of his life. What was the most important? The most dramatic? Most joyful or most painful? - We ask you to symbolically depict the event/feelings around what happened (for example, feelings about birth. +7988 189 19 48