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When you want money and nothing comes of it, ask yourself the question: What do you need money for? Write sixteen answers in a column. As a result, you will find out what you really want, what is your true goal, and not an illusory desire. ...probably the world has turned upside down if people began to accept: Happiness is for money, money is for happiness...Money and happiness are not opposed and are not identified. Happiness is an internal state, and money is an external physical component. If money guaranteed happiness, everything would be much simpler. The feeling of lack is born, in particular, from parental attitudes, such as: “now there’s not enough for anyone,” “there’s not enough money,” “I won’t buy you a doll/toy, we don’t have enough for lunch.” will get...", "money is evil", "to get something, you need to work hard and hard", "wealth goes only to thieves and drug dealers", and so on. Another reason may be an unconscious feeling that I am not worthy of abundance, that I am worse than others. And finally, ancestral programs, if you are a descendant of a dispossessed family, when money and material values ​​were taken away from your ancestors, and the idea was passed down through your family that wealth brings only misfortunes and troubles, and in the end it will be taken away. Let's divide the answers into groups: goals, needs, sensations (feelings). At this stage of work, clarity appears: where is what and why. And again I will say that it only seems to you that the goal is money. Money comes for clear and precise tasks. For example, if you want and have decided to buy an apartment, you should not start with the idea that kills all intentions that “... this is never and under no circumstances possible and you will not earn an apartment with honest work...” Start with Questions to yourself: What kind of apartment do I want? In what area? On the secondary market or in a new building? When do I want to buy an apartment? How much money will I need? What do I have for this? Will I look for options myself or go to realtors? And this is only part of step number one. Here it is also advisable to answer the question with a separate list: Why do I need an apartment? Step number two, sir. Ask yourself a number of questions: How can you buy an apartment? Buy. Receive an inheritance. Take out a mortgage. Buy a room, rent it out for a year, save money, and buy an apartment. Find project work and earn part of the amount. Borrow part of the amount from friends and relatives. Take a loan.....and there are several other options too...What's stopping you from buying an apartment? Fear, laziness, indecision...How can you overcome fear, laziness and indecision? Get as much information as possible on this issue, talk to those who have already bought an apartment. Consult with lawyers and assess the risks. Take action...The example with an apartment is only one of the possible goals.