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When to say “no” to a child and how to do it correctly? Share in the comments how you manage to come to an agreement with your child? The baby is curious! He can explore the world in a destructive way: he crumples, tears, throws, and gnaws things dear to his heart. In this case, how can we get by without the “impossible”? Leave in a place accessible to the child only what is safe for him and is not of great value. However, the child is interested not only in objects, but also in people. While studying the face of a loved one, a child may tap it. Here, instead of tenderness, you should say a firm “no”, show the emotions you are experiencing (painful, unpleasant). Otherwise, unacceptable behavior will be repeated. You should say “no” without anger or irritation, you shouldn’t joke either, it’s better to say a calm but firm “no”, said in a kind tone and it is advisable to clearly explain to the child why you are forbidding something. The baby is growing up and " "can't" gets bigger. Think about what caused the next ban? Is it a reluctance to take care of the baby, a habit of reacting in this way, or is the ban justified? Sometimes it is useful to stop and say “no” to yourself. When “no” should be said clearly. 1. There is a danger to the life and health of the child (playing on the roadway, walking without a hat in 25 degrees below zero). Instead of being indignant and shaming the child, you should simply refuse and change the subject. 2. There is a danger to the animals around people (throwing stones from the balcony, abuse of animals.) 3. The child’s behavior is indecent (spitting at other people, insults). Saying “no” always when you don’t like something in the child’s behavior risks the fact that he will do the opposite in order to assert himself. It is better to gently and kindly explain your position to the child with examples and reward him for the “correct” behavior. Compromise! The child’s desire is not just a whim, but you cannot fulfill it. Offer him an alternative: “No, now I can’t buy you this toy, but we can go for a walk and you can ride on the swing.” False compromise. “Do you want to wear shoes or boots?” asks mom. “Boots,” says the daughter. “No, we need to put on boots, it’s cold outside!” Mom says. It is harmful to create the appearance of a compromise when you know for sure that there will not be one. The child will remember and be stubborn and unrestrained..