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From the author: Status (that is, a synonym for SELF-ESTEEM in the narrow sense) is often determined by the status of the Leader who is above you. Current leaders are criticized, illegitimate, unpopular among the masses. Frustration again. ... dedicated to the one hundred and forty-third anniversary of Genius... Cognitive dissonance of the Lenin era https://www.b17.ru/forum/topic.php?id=7499&p=1Lenin lived! Lenin is Alive!! Lenin will live!!! Since childhood, I was not the only one “captivated” - what a capacious definition, by the “bright Genius of our era” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov-Blank). Slowly, with the growth of the body, but with increasing social status, an idea-thought crept and took root in the consciousness : Genius is something a little less than God. And since God is not visible, but Lenin’s work and body lives on, without rotting or diminishing among admirers, the idea of ​​a Genius-Hero, equivalent to God, was close to me, closer than the closeness of my mother and father. Moreover, dad was often on flights, and the radio sang about Lenin in the morning, and the TV barked in the evening. And even the neighbor. This created a unique atmosphere of suggestion, a hypnotic trance, which is not conscious and, therefore, especially beneficial. Comparing the figure of Lenin with small and private figures of inventors, scientists of different times and even times contemporary with my childhood and growing up, I was amazed at the surge of clearly felt strength and personal significance - “Lenin is with us!” But one “But” interfered with this process of social self-satisfaction. Or “Neither...” Every day, after the wake-up call, the anthem of the USSR, I either heard, or out of habit sang along with another, real Communist anthem! “No one will give us deliverance: Neither god, nor the king, nor the hero. We will achieve liberation with our own hand .To overthrow oppression with a skillful hand, To win back your property, - Blow up the forge and forge boldly, While the iron is hot! Chorus. X2 Only we, workers of the worldwide Great Army of Labor, Have the right to own the land, But parasites - never! executioners, “For us the sun will still begin to Shine with the fire of its rays.” This is how an attempt at cognitive dissonance was born - an even more “brain-breaking” weapon of the proletariat and its dictatorships. So my peers and I myself walked around with gaping holes in our minds. But, fortunately for us, no one could launch extraneous tentacles there, because only agitation and propaganda had tentacles. And she was ours, dear. For it fed on our juices and there was blood from blood... And so I came through life, having already patched up the gaps with the rough threads of Knowledge, to the b17.ru forum! And this is what happened, right on Lenin’s topic! “We don’t worry if someone reads the history of Julius Caesar, or admires the deeds of Alexander the Great. Although, too, they were still leaders...” Gabelev E.P. It just so happened that I had to become a “believer” at the age of 3, when I was without my mother and father for six months and far from home. And I remember that somehow this image of little Volodenka the angel “wedged in” exactly at the place where at least someone was needed to “connect” the wonderful feelings experienced and their material “living” carrier. Parents and kindergarten helped introject! The bridge of feelings and logic from the “angel” to the Bald All-Living One worked with inexorable force. (Ha, agitation and propaganda are cooler than the NLP-PR approach!!!). Meditating while looking at the Living-of-the-Living, by the age of 10 I had read everything that was in the library of 10 thousand volumes about the Geniuses and the mysticism of the Genius. And I was not surprised by the daily collective prayer for the “image of the Leader” - it was somehow obvious that this “turns on” people, “turns on” and unites. And there was “righteous anger” when it became known as bad guys - Stalin and Khrushchev also wanted to become Gods of Genius, like Lenin)))))) But everything is cured. Everyone is released. The hospital for brains had worn out, and by the time of the death of the unforgettable Leonid Ilyich, Zhiveyshiy’s junior assistant, attempts at deification caused irony. However, the “unifying” message of the existence of the Head of the Living One and the icons in the offices was still there. Because at that moment there was NOTHING else. What’s surprising is that today there is NOTHINGNO. Since each of us has “little ones” of completely different gods and little gods in our heads, and even the Almighty for some is indistinguishable from a cute horned creature, obliged to provide money on demand and slippers in the morning. -That’s what the discussions on the site showed, nothing personal, gentlemen and colleagues! Smile! Lenin is still more alive than ALL LIVING - someone's glory, strength and weapons. I would definitely “focus” my attention on the latter! LENIN! GREAT LENIN! GENIUS! THE MOST GENIUS! Okay, there were concentration camps, executions of hostages and drownings by barges of 1-10 thousand heads, a genius can’t be bothered here! And here it is: MAKE THE PRINCIPLE OF THE USSR - Brilliant! Congenial! And the principle is simple, told by the author himself, Ulyanov-Blank: to replace the district, volost, provincial system of government of Russia with national entities with the aim that the only (ONLY!!!) connecting link of this conglomerate CAN ONLY BE THE BOLSHEVIK PARTY, and at ANY ATTEMPT To destroy this BOLSHEVIK POWER, the enemy will face the COLLAPSE OF THE WHOLE SYSTEM and the death of the state, millions of casualties as a result of nationalist wars. WE WILL BE TRUE TO LENIN'S COVENANTS! To fight for the cause... BE PREPARED! Eh, pioneers....Read the PRIMARY SOURCES, gentlemen. Holy Scriptures of Leninism! “Since each of us has “little ones” of completely different gods and little gods in our heads, and even the Almighty for some is indistinguishable from a cute horned creature, obliged to provide money on demand and slippers in the morning. -That’s what the discussions on the site showed, nothing personal, gentlemen and colleagues! Smile! Lenin is still more alive than ALL LIVING - someone’s glory, strength and weapons.” Nevsky A.V. Just now Palych and I were arguing about this article. https://www.b17.ru/blog/upravlenie_psihologiey_mass/ And not in vain. Now, if you read, everything will become clear... “Kolchak, the real protege of the Entente...” Bakaldin S.V. Sergey Vitalievich! I really, as a human being, not as a specialist, just as a human being, I feel sorry for both you and your colleagues who were too lazy to master and analyze historical data beyond the school “agitprop” textbook... ((((How can you open such a topic without even having desire to “press F5” of their Knowledge on HISTORY??? And this despite the fact that the conditions of knowledge are now “heavenly” for psychologists - falsifications and remakes do not fit together PSYCHOLOGICALLY and chronologically, and other documents completely restore the mosaic panel that was drilled into us under view of “History”. “Kolchak, who pledged to give away half of Russia for the establishment in Moscow...” Bakaldin S.V. A gang of ghouls led by Trotsky and Lenin (Lenin was never the main one in the “Sverdlov” - “Trotsky” - Lenin connection ( all these surnames are ordinary nicknames, “chasing”), ENTIRE RUSSIA, ALL GOLD RESERVES WAS DESTROYED, ALL financial systems were DESTROYED, ALL debt obligations of foreign states were written off. SHAME is a purely conditional category, refers to MORAL regulators, is it necessary, morality, Russian? Well, you are making “moral” reproaches in the development of the topic, aren’t you??! “Or did Kerensky destroy the Russian state and army, so that the Bolsheviks overthrew him practically without a fight?” Bakaldin S.V. Yes, you are absolutly right! It was A. Kerensky who did 99% of the work for the COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the Russian Empire as a state entity. AND PAINLESSLY TRANSFERED POWER TO THE NEXT GHOULDS. And he himself was one - in two weeks of the main (!!) coup d'etat in February, he KILLED the entire gendarmerie corps and the police! Literally - with knives, armatures, and a little bit - with revolved bullets. The performance of the program for a long time - until 1934, in the textbooks of the same "Soviet history" was called "The October Revolution". Without any “Greats...” “Or the Kornilovites and Denikinites fought with “white gloves” Bakaldin S.V. The Kornilovites and Denikinites fought in cast-offs and ... bast shoes, which is reflected in history, which is useless to hide. And they suffocated without weapons and ammunition.... The Entente NEVER fought AGAINST the Red Army! Not a single battle! But with the usual Masonic cunning, the Ententemade promises and impossible loans to purchase weapons for the White Army, directly SUPPLYING THE BOLSHEVIK HORDE. Do you want to know where the “revolutionary fashion” for commissar leather jackets and Mausers came from? Study! “I really wonder what it is about Lenin that some people hate so much?” Bakaldin S.V. Ordinary sadism. Feast in Time of Plague. An orgy of rape, concentration camps, MASS executions of pregnant women and high school students - hostages according to special circulars, given even without embarrassment in the history textbooks of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks! The first order in the world to USE WEAPONS OF MASS DEATH against CITIZENS of the 20 million population of the Tambov region with the complete extermination of 70% of all living creatures with two legs. They also hate him for: - For vile cynicism and vile deception of us, who believed in vile things that cannot be the basis of the internal moral law. And among the Russians - that is, the entire "friendly family of peoples", these laws were not observed IN THE MASS. You and the readers, of course, don’t count! “Atrocities...No one denies them, but you can’t blame just one side.” Bakaldin S.V. Why, Sergey Vitalievich? Why? Isn’t this your “Russian-prosecutor-cop” play: if they fucked you, that means you spread your legs? And nothing, what about Mother Russia? The girl is a spree, she slept with the wrong kings.... Honestly: I always don’t respect illiteracy and its nurturing and excuses. Especially aggressive ones. And this aggression can be as cold as ice: “it’s our own fault.” Unlike my hot, polyemotional... *************************** I couldn’t understand for a long time as a child, reading fiction about the Civil War , why are there so many Chinese machine gunners in the Red Army with one name - Chen -??? Lord! Yes, this was not hidden in any way in Soviet textbooks: The entire “color” of revolutionaries of the “Bolshevik color” arrived in Russia in April 17, some even later, in July, and were immediately included in the composition of the highest committees, revolutionary committees and the Central Committee! Those who arrived in the German carriage (look at the lists themselves) did not influence the situation in any way - Kerensky was smashing the empire. Sasha Kerensky was an experienced pogrom leader. But the gang that arrived had to “work to finish off.” Having looked around, the steamboat with the Main Ghouls sailed across the military and mined sea. The power to accept. Stage the play. One - wash your hands. For others, dip their elbows in blood... We have a good grandfather. He was kind to the kids. Name was Lenin. In general, he loved all people. Especially dead and properly dealt with. “What makes you relive the events of almost a hundred years ago so painfully?” I have already answered. Capaciously, so as not to be repeated - POST-HYPNOTIC action of Suggestion. Such as “Lenin is still more alive than all the living...” “Lenin is the mind, honor and Conscience of our era” And dozens of other suggestions that no one has canceled, and which DEMAND THEM to be defended with foam at the mouths, disfigured by desecrated old age.. . “Can I embroider a heart on it?!” ))) a little red one... with an arrow... or maybe a little flower... )))” Zhukova I.V. reacted to the pictures of Komelyagin Maxim: - embittered bunnies from a horror film are tormenting a red pile of meat with knives. Somehow this meat is supposed to symbolize the tearing of someone's big heart! I didn’t react with a question: “A man walked into a gift shop, pointed his finger and said to the saleswoman: “Girl, sell me that red **Opa!” And the saleswoman is indignantly indignant: “It’s not *Oops, man, it’s a red heart, can’t you see?” The man tensed, raised his eyebrow, could barely control himself, all his will was in his fist: “I ask you, sell me this red *Opa, how much for it?” The saleswoman very shrilly: “Man, control yourself, how can you express yourself like that on a heart-shaped pillow? This is for lovers! Ew!” - “For the last time I ASK you to sell me this red *Opa! Darling, I’ve been working as a heart surgeon for 20 years, and this is yours - *Opa!” So ​​we too - we know different things about history. Cognitively .... "... good a communist at the same time is also a good security officer..." (Lenin V.I. PSS, vol. 40, p. 279) Shutenko T.M. -Timur Mikhailovich, read the cliques…….