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It's easy to choose when one option is much better than another. It’s so easy that we don’t even notice this choice – we just take the best, and that’s it. It’s easy to choose when you desperately need something, at least something. When running away from danger, we will not linger at the crossroads - we will wave in the first direction we come across, that’s all. It is difficult to choose when neither opportunity seems good enough, or, on the contrary, both are equally good. Especially in the case when you don’t have to choose right now, you can put it off for a few days. Nowadays it’s fashionable to be energetically positive. Do everything quickly and, if possible, efficiently. And everything can be resolved quickly too. They say: why think long about the choice if both possibilities are the same? Take the first one you come across and go ahead. But finally there will be something real in your hands. Yes, you will have to give up the second opportunity, but don’t be discouraged. If it were really better than the first one, you would choose it without hesitation. And everything seems to be logical and correct. The only question is – why? In the name of what? Following the above logic, if you really needed to choose something, you would have already done it. If you remain indecisive, it means you can afford it. They say, give up the illusion that the best choice is possible in your case. They say that since you are indecisive, it means that both possibilities are approximately equal. They say don't waste your time choosing, spend it on owning what you chose. In principle, that's also not bad. True, it is not at all necessary that, since you have two approximately equivalent opportunities, you need to choose exactly from them. And not (let’s say) go in search of some third one. And yet, it seems to me that spending your time choosing or spending it on owning the chosen one is a matter of taste. Both can be pleasant. If, of course, you even have time for all this. And the last thing, in my opinion, is really important for any decisions in any situation. No matter how you choose, fast or slow, or whatever you ultimately decide, there is only one thing that matters. Namely: whether you will get what you really want or not. Because otherwise, perhaps, it was not worth starting.