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“WHAT TO DO IF HE GONE?”, sometimes the abandoned woman cries out. And, if that same He does not return, sooner or later the thought occurs to her that it would be great to let him go. But practice shows that in the presence of emotional dependence, such a representative of the fair sex hopes to change everything to the last. It happens to change this however, it succeeds - especially if she knows what to do in a particular case is really useful and she manages to find out the reasons, understand WHY HE LEFT, and eliminate them by discussing everything with the man (if he is still committed to continuing the partnership), or, conversely, actively take care of yourself, instead of making desperate attempts to return him. Many people do a huge number of actions that are often in vain, as it often turns out later: they call, look for meetings, lie in wait somewhere, and bombard with hundreds of SMS. As a rule, although not always, such actions lead to the opposite effect. Sometimes you have to “grab yourself by the sleeve” and say “STOP!” and “WHERE IS MY SENSE OF OWN DIGNITY?” Let’s say you managed to evoke pity. Such despair... What's next? Most likely, those who return out of pity will leave anyway. Why this long agony of a relationship, accompanied by repetitions of painful experiences? I understand how difficult it can be: to let go of a person when everything inside hurts and cries. This is your inner Child crying. Don't you think that he needs your attention, care, love? Yes, once upon a time, someone probably gave all this to him, at least in small doses. It is possible that it was the one who left - somewhere there, into the void or (I don’t even want to think? Or does this cause despair?) to another... Perhaps for some time this man, whom you so don’t want to let go, from whom there is DEPENDENCE, he knew how to periodically show love, care and attention in such a way, as your inner Child really wanted, as you liked... Then women talk about the past with regret: “After all, everything was fine in the beginning!” Or “Everything was like in a fairy tale!” Perhaps the departure of the object of your affection with some obviousness (more often for specialists, and not for the woman herself) revealed her current life task - LEARNING TO BE A CARING MOTHER FOR YOURSELF, learning to GIVE TO YOURSELF SUPPORT..Acquiring such skills and using them to a certain extent sometimes frees you from EMOTIONAL DEPENDENCE and makes relationships more mature, harmonious and less painful, or creates such opportunities. And for starters, in order to move from the “dead point” of despair when he left, it is important sooner or later to accept this fact of loss, no matter how sad it may be. Accept and survive. Although those who suffer, oh, don’t want to do this. Why doesn’t it work? For different reasons. It is possible that you lack courage, stability, and self-confidence. IS IT PAINFUL AND SCARY TO STAY ALONE? There is no one to support you and you don’t yet have the skill to do it yourself? I believe this happens. I don’t see a better way to cope with all this than by working with a psychologist. Some people have the habit of resisting, actively fighting to the end, resorting to active actions, as in war. Sometimes this helps a lot. But not always! Imagine. You are walking along the road. Someone is running after you and you know for sure that this chase is for you. What would you like to do? You certainly can’t go along joyfully, right? Very often it’s useful to trust what is happening, to trust life itself! Believe me, as a rule, further on, if you learn her lesson, everything turns out much better, especially in the case when it is wise to participate in the process. AND LONELINESS CAN BE VERY BLESSED. Behind any completion there is always the beginning of something new and beautiful, if move towards it, and not in the opposite direction. But for this, of course, you should MAKE A DECISION. With wishes of inner freedom and MUTUAL love at all times, I will be glad if in the comments you share your experience of your own effective ways to"