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Criteria for a client’s dependence on therapy. Difficulty making decisions, you should consult a therapist. Anxiety and depression, as soon as therapy ends, a feeling of loss of support. The need to shift responsibility to the therapist so that he can make a decision. Transference, sexual attraction and falling in love with the therapist. Fear that life will be destroyed and he will no longer be able to make certain achievements. Often the therapist himself triggers certain mechanisms of addiction, because he is not ready to lose you, you are as important to him as he is to you. You are his Money, you are his ambitions, you are his countertransference reactions, he may also have sexual attraction, falling in love. You are his friend/girlfriend, or maybe a projection of his parent. The therapist does not always keep track of this, although it happens that he does it completely consciously. Nevertheless, he plays a certain game with you. 1. Immersion in the state of a child. I begin to analyze with the client the cases of his attachment to the previous therapist and ask the question: what grabbed you so much about her. The client answers: she immersed me in the state of a little girl and was my mother, this went on for the entire 6 years of our therapy, during which I went to see her once a week, and then I realized that I couldn’t live without her. The therapist held and supported portable the client's parental reactions throughout all years of therapy, without analyzing them.2. Provocation of sexual desire. The therapist looks ambiguously, says double messages, dresses openly, flirts, while keeping the client at a distance, says that this is just transference, but does not work with transference.3. Manipulation on feelings of guilt and fear. Manipulation by fear: “if you don’t come to me for therapy, everything will be very bad in your relationship with your husband, in your business...” Manipulation by guilt: “I have done so much for you, and you are ungrateful...”, this is said so that the patient tries to atone for his guilt. Manipulations are based on fairly simple and common feelings, which can be used to hook and hang a lot of people, especially after a person has opened up and become vulnerable. Usually psychologists are intellectual people, they know how to present it all so beautifully that you don’t immediately understand what’s going on between him and the therapist, the client just at some point understands that he’s losing himself, his point of view, he can’t make any choice at all, he can’t decide anything, he’s constantly the feeling that he owes something, ceases to understand which direction he should move in general. Sometimes things come to the point of complete absurdity, the client enters into an intimate relationship with his psychologist, buys him endless gifts, brings him extra money, provides services. Ultimately, the client feels deceived , used and betrayed, feels anger, resentment, this happens, and then I and other psychologists are involved in the rehabilitation of such people. If you encounter something similar in your therapy, you should change the psychologist. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution , then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60