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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of dogma that tells you to live in other people's thoughts. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary.Steve Jobs How often do we think about whether we are true to our dreams? Are we living our own lives, and not following the path outlined by other people's rules and standards? In the whirlpool of everyday life, it is not so easy to hold onto the idea of ​​our true true purpose. Do we love our life? Do we rejoice in every new day, every sunrise and every sunset? Each of us has our own special main cherished dream. The one through which we discover our true selves, through which we truly love life and feel happy. It happens that due to fear of failure, the appearance of external unforeseen difficulties or circumstances, fear of condemnation and not being understood by other people, we refuse it. And at this moment we betray not only the dream, but we betray our authenticity, our true purpose. We begin to live by someone else's goals and rules, someone else's faith and someone else's destiny. Each of us is no stranger to doubts and fears, a feeling of uncertainty. And life sometimes sends us difficult tasks, for the solution of which we need to part with the usual, change our beliefs and go beyond the limits of past possibilities. But at the same time, only thanks to test situations, we gain strength, expand our boundaries and get to know our true selves. By going through obstacles and not betraying ourselves and our aspirations, we gain our authenticity. By trusting our dreams, we go beyond everyday life. We always have a choice whether to follow what is available and easy, or choose a path, albeit not an easy one, but exactly our own, to realize our dream, no matter how great and unattainable it may seem. Yes, perhaps they will tell us that this is not real, but all the greatest achievements of mankind happened only because it seemed “not real” to someone. Sometimes we don’t even allow ourselves to dream because someone’s voice inside obviously tells us that nothing will work out. Trust in your dreams and remain authentic to yourself, even in states of fear and despair, it is important to always remember that we are all something more. Sometimes it may seem that it is easier to live in a familiar and ordinary way, but in such a state it is impossible to feel happiness. The happiness that our soul strives for. Happiness, for which we were all sent into this world. We are always trying to conform to certain rules, our ideal image of ourselves. But is this image genuine? Is this really what we are striving for? Or is it just a set of artificial stereotypes that we are convinced to conform to, and also strive to find them in others. When we deny ourselves, we no longer live life to the fullest, we fall into a state of withdrawal, flight, struggle or freezing, which in turn leads to a loss of our authenticity. And interaction with each other from such a state of lost, unreal self often leads to misunderstandings, resentments and conflicts; and evil, as we know, begets evil. And in our time, we quite often encounter aggression among people towards each other. Therefore, the contribution of each of us is very important and valuable, because we are all like mirrors, reflecting each other. There is good in every person, but sometimes we are more likely to notice a shadow than a spark of light. We are all children of the Universe, and were sent into this world to follow our dreams, to be happy, to shine, to give our warmth, love and kindness. This simple truth is the purpose of each of us. And if everyone follows this call even just a little, the world will change. On the path to our dreams, we can learn to understand ourselves and