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From the author: This article is an answer to frequently asked questions from clients about this technique. Dear customers! You often call and ask what kind of constellations these are. I’ll try to tell you a little, but I still won’t be able to convey what’s really happening. You just have to try it. This is my author’s technique, it has nothing to do with and is not similar in content to other Tarot arrangements, the description of which you can find. And it has nothing to do with Hellinger arrangements. My method allows you to solve your current specific problems, get answers and dispel doubts in one go. This method also allows you to find and appropriate resources for further real actions in your life and achieve goals. Tarot cards are used as an auxiliary tool. The cards themselves represent a unique ancient system of archetypes and elements, which closely correlates with Junginian analysis in psychology. I carry out the technique myself, but at the same time there is an element of the magic of Tarot space. The work is individual, only you, a specialist and card archetypes. The work is moving, cards are placed throughout the space of the room, you yourself master the energy of the archetype. It is a process of bringing our hidden power out of the shadows that we do not allow ourselves to use due to our past traumas, and making that power useful to us. We have all been wounded by circumstances at some point... And these circumstances have taught us to hide some parts of ourselves so as not to encounter pain again. This is the path where our inner spaces are explored, and where we discover our golden reserve. This is a path that gives us the opportunity to use more than we currently have, to bring hidden possibilities to light. Such constellations are a great way to explore your unconscious and discover the treasures that are hidden in it. This is the path to personal discovery and to becoming who we can become in this life. The work begins with you explaining in your own words what you would like for yourself today, and if you are not sure or find it difficult to understand in yourself, then the psychologist listens to you very carefully and helps you determine exactly what you want, focusing you. Regardless of what you do, what you want becomes the guiding force in your personal process. The issues that you want to solve can be anything: Aimed at exploring or changing personal qualities; Relationships with loved ones, health, success, career, self-realization, ancestral secrets and “karma”. Understand why you sometimes behave in a certain way; work through feelings such as fear, grief, anger or shame; overcome your old behavior patterns. Next, we choose the main characters of your story based on on the main “messages” (key phrases of history). Then we tie each figure to a card (you choose intuitively), and “blindly” lay out the cards in space (this is where the “magic” of the cards works). Next, the process is examined from each position, and you choose what to change in it. But there is a condition: you cannot change anything on your own, without the “consent” of the figures. Otherwise there is no point: it’s the same in life - you can’t really control other people. And you don’t control all of your energies either. And here the most interesting thing begins... You begin to find out the truth and who these figures and energies really are in your life... And it happens that the actions and decisions you choose are not at all those that you initially thought would be useful. At every step of the process, I ask you about your choices and decisions, so in fact you are the leader of your process. The psychologist under no circumstances puts pressure on you that could take the process beyond your level of comfort and safety. This work provides a safe exploration of very deep experiences. Every human emotion is like a doorway that can open into a space of internal energy. In the process.