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How to stop being afraid of making a mistake It is precisely this idea that can be central in working with a client. The desired idea of ​​oneself as an infallible person with no right to make mistakes has a very strong influence on all areas of life. It is difficult to express yourself in a new, unfamiliar role, apply for a new position, change jobs or choose a partner. The fear of making a mistake is so paralyzing that it becomes extremely difficult to make an important or, for some, quite ordinary decision. Therefore, in such cases, an avoidance strategy often appears. And it’s clear why: after all, if you don’t try to do something, you’re guaranteed not to make a mistake and won’t worry and blame yourself for failure. And how unpleasant it is to feel like a failure and a complete laughingstock. In addition to fear, a common problem associated with this problem is the emotion of shame. The downside of avoidance is the lack of the desired result. It is impossible to learn to play tennis if you don't practice. There are guaranteed to be failures in training, because a beginner doesn’t even know how to hold a racket correctly, let alone how to serve. What is interesting in the context of this example is that even the world number one, the best player at the moment, can make a mistake in serving. That’s right: even professionals make mistakes. In any case. There are no exceptions. The only question is the percentage of errors and possible consequences. “I should never make mistakes” - a variation of this belief does not allow the possibility of a possible mistake to be made. Otherwise... Catastrophe... Horror... I am a nonentity and a loser... And what thoughts flash through your head when you admit a possible failure or make a mistake at the moment? What to do? If you don’t want to change anything, then nothing. This is a personal matter for everyone. If your beliefs make you uncomfortable and prevent you from trying new things, then you can work with them. I answer the question: “How can I stop being afraid of making a mistake?” Most likely, you won’t like what I say: be ready to accept your mistake, your imperfection, your imperfection and not beat yourself up for it. Once this becomes available, you will begin to perceive your mistakes as something undesirable, but not catastrophic. And in this state it will be much easier to express yourself and try new things. Do you agree with the conclusion of this article? What do you think? I look forward to your comments. To sign up for a free mini-consultation or ask a question, write to me “I want to have a mini-consultation” in a message on the website or by the specified phone numbers (+79934967651 in Telegram, Viber or WhatsApp). I'll be glad to help.