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War is an Emergency Situation of a biological and social nature. Such emergencies include: hunger, terrorism, social unrest, various acts of violence. We humans are social creatures and we cannot without a friend. A human baby cannot survive and become human without the participation of another person. Tales about Mowgli, unfortunately or fortunately, are just fairy tales. Therefore, the most dangerous thing in this situation of Military Conflict is that security is being undermined at the Level: MAN-PERSON. Against this background, various stress mental disorders may appear, which many do not pay attention to because many other tasks must be solved, often related to ensuring physical safety. These disorders include: - Acute stress disorder is our reaction to physical and mental stress. Dizziness, anxiety, lack of understanding of what is happening, decreased concentration, memory impairment, and disorientation may begin. Typically, these symptoms go away over time. - Adjustment disorder - depressed mood, sadness, anxiety or restlessness, behavioral disturbances, feeling unable to continue daily activities in the current situation, difficulty breathing, chest pain. In addition, there are signs such as a feeling of inability to cope with life or professional tasks, as well as problems with planning one’s future - PTSD: intrusive and upsetting memories of a traumatic event; loss of interest in life, apathy; feeling of separation from other people, emotional exaltation, limited future; irritability, outbursts of anger, alcohol and drug abuse, especially to eliminate the severity of painful experiences and memories; depression, suicidal thoughts or attempts; autonomic disorders and nonspecific somatic complaints (for example, headache). The main burden of prevention and assistance in maintaining the psychological health of the population falls on psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers. Types of psychological assistance that are currently used: first psychological, informational, crisis, work with PTSD, etc. According to the experience of international organizations, properly organized first aid to meet basic needs, as well as provided First Psychological Aid helps to cope with the situation and adapt later. Our psyche such a tool that, while living through a stressful situation with which it has successfully coped, develops psychological flexibility and records information in memory as simply an experience. However, those situations for which there are not enough resources to survive are classified as distress and are registered in the unconscious as trauma. And then it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist. And it would seem, despite all the complexity of the military conflict, depending on the situation in which people find themselves, they have to solve different life problems and they can be divided into the following social groups: - Refugees - Forced migrants - Residents of the areas in which hostilities are taking place - Participants in combat operations - Families of participants in hostilities - Volunteers - Others By correctly understanding their needs and the difficulties that may arise in solving them, they can sometimes help cope with the anxiety that arises in the process of adapting to the new reality. Many experiences are completely natural for a given life situation. Understanding this is sometimes quite enough to get out of the stupor. By conducting a conditional diagnosis of yourself and relating yourself to one or another group. Assessing yourself for your experiences. Making sure of their adequacy. By asking yourself the right questions. Such as: How have I dealt with life crises before? What resources did you use? What else can I do? It can be very useful for introducing a small amount of time into uncertainty.