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From the author: Published in the newspaper "Smart Business" Coaching: the art of sharing joy. I deliberately separated the popular word “coaching” with a hyphen. I don't really like the original version, which arose from the English word "coach" - cart. It is not entirely clear whether this is about how to effectively pull this cart, or about how to ride it with greater comfort. In fact, coaching helps to effectively solve both of these problems, but I am more attracted by the consonance with the Russian word “teach”. Once we were bequeathed: “study, study and study,” but there were no clear explanations of what exactly to study, from whom to study, and who will evaluate our successes. “What kind of love do you want?” - asks the singer in a popular song. What kind of life do you want? – how often do we ask ourselves this question or not? Just when the alarm clock rings, by an effort of will we harness ourselves to the usual rhythm and drag this cart, and sometimes it drags us? What kind of life do you want? To whom can we turn this question? To some very deep part of ourselves, which knows the answers to all our questions, and which tries to be the navigator of our life, if, of course, we remember about it and allow ourselves to manifest ourselves. She comes to us in the most difficult moments, gives us the opportunity to act, gives us a second wind and, if necessary, a third, fourth, fifth... How long will it last us? And where are we rushing with such zeal? What will happen when we achieve all the goals we have set for ourselves. Will we earn all the money we want to earn? This can’t happen, you say, what if it happens one day? What will you do then to fill your life? Therefore, what is hidden deep inside us asks: stop, take a break, don’t eat Twix, but rather listen to what is pulsating inside, where our heart beats, even deeper - in the most intimate hidden part of us, in the heart of our heart. Look how huge the sky is above your head, inhale the aroma of spring blossoms and perhaps you will hear a quiet voice from within: “I am a blooming spring, I am always inside you, always with you, remember me, touch me.” Connect with this eternal a source of joy, inexhaustible vitality, at least for a few moments, and allow the world in which you usually live, fight, sometimes winning, sometimes failing, to move at its own rhythm. Look at him from the outside, step back, let him do without you for a while. It’s as if you are standing on the shore, and the river that flows next to you is your everyday life. You watch its flow and everything around you. Where is this world moving so rapidly, and what place do you occupy in it, what role do you play? What gives you a feeling of satisfaction, fullness of life, what do you feel when you are in a streak of success, when is everything going according to your plan, everything is coming together? Stay a little in this moment, enjoy it. Inhale the aroma of your victories and move on. Look at those episodes in your life, your business, when something does not work out, does not go as planned, encounters some obstacles, obstacles. How do you feel at this moment? Look where these failures come from: from within you from your mistakes, miscalculations, your lack of self-confidence or, conversely, from your excessive arrogance? Maybe from somewhere outside: an unfavorable combination of circumstances, irresponsibility, dishonesty of people with whom you are connected, something else? Even if it came from outside, see if you were really impeccable, did everything that depended on you; Did you foresee everything, prepare everything properly, or was your role also in this failure? How often do such problems come to you, and with what feelings do you usually meet them? What personal qualities of yours are missing so that you can prevent the occurrence of such situations? Take a deep breath, allow one of these qualities to manifest itself in you, give it a place in your inner space, let it fill you, let it clog, begin to pulsate inside you. Allow others qualities,.