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1. Don't make things up! Remember, dear parents, how often we reprimand our child with the words: “Don’t make things up,” “Don’t be stupid,” “Why are you telling fairy tales?” “Stop dreaming!” Sound familiar? We say this every time a child expresses himself through his irrepressible imagination, his play activity, composes and comes up with something that does not correspond to our “correct”, smart and adult view of things. And gradually, from inquisitive, active children interested in everything and everyone, with our own hands we raise lack of initiative, bored and unhappy teenagers, and then adults. Unfortunately, most people never show themselves brightly in their profession, do not make important discoveries, will not achieve significant success in science or business, art or sports, but will live a mediocre, boring and unhappy life. And they will think that this is normal, and that success and happiness are the work of a select few. Answer honestly: is this the life you want for your children? 2. Harmful upbringing and education. “...And then we begin to “teach” the child - involuntarily, unscientifically... Over the centuries, we have learned the trick of how to move energy from the right hemisphere and launch the left. This is our educational upbringing. From kindergarten to university, this is what all of our learning and education is about. This is an attempt to destroy the right hemisphere and help the left. Somewhere between 7 and 14 years we succeed and the child is killed, destroyed. All children are born creators, but we don't let them. We immediately begin to teach them how to do it right, and they become robots...” Osho. We need to recognize the fact that most parents, teachers and educators simply do not have the necessary knowledge in the field of child psychology, do not have special methods of achieving what they want, and, accordingly, cannot convey this to their children. “Is the sun blue? It should be yellow, or, in extreme cases, red.” “What is this branch by the tree, why is it so big? There are no such trees, draw the right tree!” (This is the teacher at school who teaches you how to draw “correctly”). “What kind of Martians? Come on, go to sleep quickly!” “Don’t touch the sand with your hands, it’s dirty! (Is it okay that this is no longer sand, but pie dough, or a desert for a rally?). These are not invented phrases, but observations from life, said to children by parents, teachers and educators. When we, such smart and all-knowing adults, forbid our children to compose and fantasize, we deprive them of one of the most important abilities of a healthy and successful person - the ability to CREATE, that is, to CREATE, CREATE something new, thereby delaying, or even completely stopping, the development of the child’s creative thinking, and therefore personal development. What does the phrase “creative thinking” mean to you? Do you think that this type of thinking is only necessary for people in creative professions? You are mistaken if you think that creative thinking is the lot of a special category of people: actors, directors, artists, poets and writers. 3. Creative thinking. Let's try to figure out what creative thinking is. Here is the definition as given in the dictionary. Creative thinking is creative thinking, providing a fundamentally new solution to a problem situation, leading to new ideas and discoveries. And in order for these new ideas and a new solution to a problem situation to arise, a special, non-standard mindset and intellectual courage, the ability to move away from generally accepted standards are required. And, it is quite obvious that such qualities and skills are absolutely necessary for every person, regardless on age, profession and social status. And it is these qualities that we!