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From the author: to be or not to be? how to effectively make a choice - Doctor, I have a very responsible job and I am under constant stress! - What are you doing? - I’m sorting oranges. The doctor is very surprised - and what’s responsible for this?! - Doctor, you can’t imagine how many decisions I have to make in one minute! The problem of choice is not trivial and we often encounter it in our lives. There is probably not a single person who does not hesitate to some degree when making a choice. To some extent, doubt and weighing options can even be useful in making a good choice. However, if doubts are strong and the issue is important to us, then doubts and postponing a choice can become painful. Dark or light? Suit or dress? Volvo or Mercedes? Pavel or Sergei? Katya or Natasha? Am I overeating or losing weight? Am I sad or happy? How difficult all this is... and how you want to decide for yourself, make this choice today. “Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we could possibly win if we weren't afraid to try." William Shakespeare Five steps to my choice: First, do something pleasant for yourself - this will allow you to get into the state you need to make a decision. (drink coffee, listen to music, take a walk, etc.) Take a paper, write down your arguments in making one and two decisions. Here, write everything that comes to mind, everything will be useful. Sort all the arguments into two piles - this is my argument, this is the argument of other people (girlfriend, husband, boss, etc.). After sorting, you can safely throw out all arguments that are not your own from consideration when making a decision. Re-sorting the arguments, again two piles - an argument of the mind, an argument of emotions and intuition. The criteria for this stage are: the argument of the mind will be explainable, logical and reasonable; the argument of emotions and intuition will be more likely to be irrational and inexplicable. Decision making. Understand what arguments you should rely on in resolving a pressing issue. Remember that there are not many questions about life and death in our lives, and the rest is not so important or irreparable. Be bolder. Tomorrow you can change your decision, if you liked oranges yesterday - this does not mean that you have to eat them every day for the rest of your life, you may well like mangoes or other fruit. In any case, the decision you make will be the right one for you at this moment in your life! By making decisions based on your opinion, you will eventually learn about your special criteria for an effective and pleasant decision for you!