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Each of us has experienced such feelings when life collapsed, I lost everything, I was driven into a corner and there was no point in living at all. Situations that paralyze us and divide our lives “before” and “after”, for example, betrayal of those closest to us, death of loved ones, divorce, loss of job, etc. And in order to get out of such situations and not break down, to learn again to experience joy in life, to be happy, it is not so simple. How can we help ourselves? Thoughts are the first source of our suffering, which arose in response to our beliefs. We think about it constantly and constantly, thereby only worsening our condition. In this case, you need to understand your settings and work them out. Understand for yourself - is this really so? Or are these my fears, imaginary defenselessness, which can be completely overcome. I propose to consider a technique: write down the very thought that is the source of the negative reaction and mentally separate the thought and the reaction. It is important that every thought begins with “I”; only then can you influence your attitudes and reformulate them. Those. wrote down the thought that triggers the reaction. The reaction itself was separated from the thought. For example, the thought: I can’t cope. Why can't I handle it? And we write down all the reasons and consider them in detail. We ask ourselves the question - is this really so? And you will immediately understand that it is not. And that some of the problems are tasks that can be solved through an appropriate plan. Formulate your motivation for implementing this plan so that it makes sense to you. And of course, work and work with your beliefs that came to you from your family, friends, etc. Create new thinking and behavior for yourself and you can improve your life and direct it in a positive direction. As we all know, our thoughts are material. Cleanse them on time, work on yourself, a lot depends on how you set yourself up. All happiness and all suffering are created by you, your own mind. Lama Zopa. I recommend reading the following books: “Flexible Consciousness” by Carol Dweck; “Change your thinking and you will change your life” Brian Tracy Anna, consulting psychologist Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp / Telegram: +7-903-984-42-54