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A very interesting and at the same time practically unstudied personality trait is intuition. In scientific and popular literature there are many rather contradictory definitions of this phenomenon. I dare, based on my own experience and observations of other people who have well-developed intuition, to give my definition. Intuition is thoughts, visual images, desires or emotions that suddenly appear in the mind, which contribute to making vitally important and correct decisions, in the event that when there is no information to make a decision. In many publications, intuition is associated with insight. From my point of view there is a difference between these two concepts. If you analyze the occurrence of insight, you will notice that before its appearance the person had certain information on the problem, but for some reason he did not notice it or ignored it. At the same time, intuition is characterized by a complete absence of any information on the problem. This is the main difference between insight and intuition, but the external manifestations are very similar. As stated in the definition, information appears suddenly, usually in a neutral emotional state, but there are cases of appearance at the peak of strong emotions, when there is no time for reflection and it is required make an urgent decision. Thoughts and images appear very quickly and for a very short period of time; it is very important for the individual to catch them and not forget. Desires, as a rule, manifest themselves in the form of “I want...”, “I don’t want...”, they can manifest themselves much longer in time than thoughts and images. It is very important to distinguish intuition from thoughts and desires associated with any needs or simply bad mood. For many people, with a strong desire or with high emotional arousal, thoughts or images of the desired positive result in solving the current situation appear in their minds, and they associate this with intuition, but this is not so. This is a very serious problem and it is difficult to distinguish the manifestation of intuition from the desired result. For this, it is very good to use the “Three Position Perception” (NLP) technique. It looks like this: we move to the second position, look at ourselves “from the outside,” analyze our current emotional state and the events that preceded the state “here and now.” If we are in a heightened emotional state or we have or have had strong desires, then most likely the thoughts or images that appear are not intuition. Using the Six-Step Reframing (NLP) technique is also effective. This technique allows you to obtain more complete information about the reasons for the manifestation of thoughts and images in a specific situation, but requires certain skills. In some difficult life situations, when you do not see a way out of the problem, you can use D. Carnegie’s technique to make a decision. Leave decision-making for a while and start collecting information, then insight can occur. There are times when information is completely missing, then intuition will work. It is very important to put aside thoughts about making a decision and be calm for a while. How to develop intuition There is also a lot of conflicting information on this issue. From my point of view, intuition exists to varying degrees in every person, but in order to use it effectively, it is necessary to develop certain personality qualities. In the work “Intuitive Foundations of Effective Activities of Investigators,” authors E. Naumenko and I. Vasilyeva revealed that people with good intuition have developed the following personality traits: sociability, communication, social dominance, personal orientation, self-criticism, active orientation, self-control, need for approval, high level of self-esteem, need to achieve a goal, high level of moral regulation, trust, presence of a moral ideal, autism, realism, intra-extrapunity, conservatism, creativity of thinking, practicality, flexibility of thinking, high level of life index)