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How to prepare a child for kindergarten. Preparing for kindergarten doesn't start a week or a day before kindergarten. At least a month in advance, preferably earlier. Let's look at the most common reaction of children that scares us. He will cry (I write in the masculine gender, I have a son, when describing every post about children, I seem to be addressing my child)))) and sometimes the crying goes beyond all boundaries and descends into hysterics. Often, kindergarten teachers advise “Leaving as quickly as possible,” he will get used to it, and then it will be easier. Really no. The child will not get used to it, but will harbor a grudge against you, yes, it will be easier to let go, but with a grudge, and often this is a grudge that I have to work with. It’s clear here that they carry it through their entire lives, spending time on hours of psychotherapy. I am for conscious parenting and a happy childhood) So what to do about it? How to prepare your beloved child for kindergarten, so that it is a harmonious, happy and interesting process for all parties? The first rule that you need to understand is if you yourself are not ready to let your child go , you are afraid of the consequences, you are scared, “Well, how is he doing, he might not be fed or clothed properly, he will quarrel with the children, and what if the teachers offend him... to substitute his own” children feel everything. It is impossible to achieve a happy attitude towards the garden in your child - if you yourself experience fears. So rule one: cope with your own fears. This is a process and the child grows up, you are not always with him, then he will go to school and, oh horror, someday he will live separately, give him space for his own mistakes and his own decisions, the opportunity to start interacting with children and learn to live in this world . You can calmly talk about what happened in the garden in the evening, over dinner or while swimming, give her advice about the situation or help her cope with her emotions. Ask yourself now: why does the child go to kindergarten? Because mom needs to go to work and earn money? What is the garden for? This question is still asked by her small and unconscious brain within itself, even if you have not voiced it. Everyone is interested in what is there, why, what new things it will bring to me. Children are terribly curious creatures, they are interested in everything new. Remember with what interest they look at a new acquaintance or a new toy))) it’s easy to play on this interest and motivate your child to go to kindergarten. Rule two is the right motivation: Determine for yourself the reasons why your child needs to go to the garden. Voice them out to your child in a playful way. In this post I am talking about children 3-4 years old. This age is ideal for entering social life and communicating with teenagers. It is at this age that they begin to realize that there is someone besides me around, the first signs of the “desire” to play with others, share toys and engage in role-playing games appear. I’ll talk about the peculiarities of ages a little later. How the right motivation can act is communication with children, making new friends. My personal find was this: we went to the garden not when we HAD to, but when we found a strong motivation, namely, mom goes to work, dad goes to work. My son is interested in the word “work”, what is it? and the first desire appeared to do the same work. Everyone had their own job, my son had his own - to play with children, get acquainted, make new acquaintances, learn to be without mom and dad))) 0 hysterics, happily goes to kindergarten, friends and new activities are waiting there))) Finally, I would like to say . Your child's reaction to kindergarten is 99% dependent on you and your own reactions to this process. Pay attention to yourself, your fears, the words that you say to the kindergarten (after all, even if you express fear about this in a conversation with your husband or girlfriend, he will remember, try to say only positive things, and discuss your fears outside the presence of the child), share your own successful, happy experience of time spent in the garden and success is guaranteed to you))) There is another important reason for children’s tantrums in the garden - if a mother takes care of her child 99% of the time, ways to cope)