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In order for therapy to be effective, a so-called therapeutic contract is drawn up between the therapist and the client. It consists of certain rules that promote the development of the relationship between the therapist and the client. In psychotherapy this is called setting. It brings clarity to the therapeutic relationship, making it safe for both the client and the therapist. In therapy with my clients, I rely on the following rules:I. Time Rule If you need a one-time individual, couples or family consultation, then we will work with you for 50 minutes individually and 80 minutes during a couples or family consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss the issue you came with. I will share with you my thoughts on this topic and give the necessary recommendations that will be important in my opinion. If I deem it necessary, I will offer you psychotherapy. If we are working with you in the context of therapy, then we will meet once a week. The duration of an individual session is 50 minutes, a couple or family session is 80 minutes. The option of more infrequent meetings does not allow the client to maintain the emotional tension that contributes to the changes he expects, as well as the formation of trust and security between us. If you have a desire for more frequent meetings, we will discuss this with you, and if this is really necessary and You and I will find temporary opportunities, we will meet more often. When you need to cancel a meeting due to departure, vacation, business trip, you need to notify me about it a week in advance. If such departures are planned at my place, I will also inform you about them in advance. At the first meeting, you and I will determine the day and time of our meetings. For your and my convenience, it will be fixed, so as not to agree on it again each time, forget it or confuse it. In situations where you are late, unfortunately, I will not be able to compensate you for the lost time, since my sessions usually take place one after the other other.II. End of Therapy Rule If you wish to end therapy, you will need to discuss this with me to clarify your intention and determine whether it is spontaneous. When you and I determine that the therapeutic work has come to an end, you will need to come to the end meeting which we will plan in advance. On it we will summarize and complete unfinished topics.III. Payment rule for sessions You can cancel your scheduled session, but do it one day before your fixed time. If you cancel an appointment after this date, you will need to pay for the missed appointment. It is your responsibility for your presence in our work, maintaining your fixed session time in the future and my financial security. In the situation of my failure to show up for a session without warning, payment for your next session will not be made. It is my responsibility to be present in our work.IV. Confidentiality rule What happens in our therapeutic work is confidential and is not distributed by me to a third party. If I saw that your condition may threaten your health or the health of one of your family, then in this situation I reserve the right to notify your authorized representative about the need to take appropriate measures.