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From the author: The article was published on the website: Today we will talk about how parents can determine who their child is by temperament type: melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic or choleric, because knowing the characteristics of your baby, you will be protected from many mistakes in raising your child, which will allow the child to grow up in an atmosphere of not only love, but also understanding. To do this, you need to take a closer look at your child: study his facial expressions, the facial expression that is most characteristic of him; study the way and manner in which he shows his emotions; how he behaves with his peers, with adults, in a circle of familiar and unfamiliar people, etc., observe him, his behavior, reactions, his usual movements. And do not confuse the manifestation of character with the characteristics of temperament; only innate characteristics speak of temperament: activity, energy, emotionality, sensitivity, etc. Hobbies, beliefs, principles and views do not depend on temperament. The type of temperament determines the way of action, the speed of reactions, the manner of behavior in a certain environment, in a certain circle. His manner of communication is very indicative in terms of determining the child’s temperament: choleric children are restless and active, love noisy and active games, ringleaders, constantly strive to command, to be a leader, and do not know how to lose; little sanguine people are sociable, cheerful and talkative, they easily make contact with everyone, they are proactive, but they do not strive to command, they freely obey others, they rejoice in competition even when they lose, they are sociable, and not touchy; Phlegmatic children are calm and even in communication, sometimes stubborn, prefer sedentary games, often choose the role of performers, do not like to take initiative, easily obey, but at the same time remain independent, they can equally calmly give in or resist; Melancholic children are withdrawn and uncommunicative, quiet, obedient and suspicious, tend to worry about the slightest thing, obey with difficulty, often get offended, like to play alone or in pairs, noisy games in the company of peers are not for them, they do not like competitions, they avoid them. Facial expressions and characteristic facial expressions in children, depending on temperament: melancholic - facial expressions are slightly changeable, mostly sad, facial expressions most often: thoughtful, sad, attentive, offended-tearful, alarmed, frightened; sanguine person - lively, cheerful, quickly changing facial expressions, facial expressions are often funny, playful, smiling; phlegmatic – poor facial expressions, calm, little changeable, facial expression most often calm and contemplative; choleric - sharp, changeable facial expressions, but less than that of a sanguine person, the facial expression is most often cocky, angry, pugnacious, concentrated. All children also show emotions in different ways: sanguine children cry loudly but not for long, very often laugh contagiously, if they are offended, then also not for long; choleric people - they cry persistently and scream, they tend to take revenge for insults, they laugh very loudly, they burst out laughing; melancholic - cries silently, for a long time, sadly, is very touchy, remembers insults for a long time, laughs rarely and little; phlegmatic - does not cry, does not scream, grimaces in pain, rarely laughs loudly, more often just smiles, does not get angry, does not take revenge, does not like to fight... After observing and studying your baby, you will be able to attribute his characteristics to one of the types of temperament, and in the future we will talk about what you should know and take into account in raising children of different temperaments.