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From the author: The article was published in the magazine “In the City” of Mytishchi. December 2011 The questions were asked by editor-in-chief Ekaterina Baklanova. You can read the full article at Midlife crisis - a time of self-knowledge and reassessment of values, gaining worldly wisdom or an examination of maturity? Can we say that this is a kind of repetition of adolescence, only in this case the person rebels not against the “hostile” world of adults, but against himself, who is part of this world? There are seven-year cycles of human development. It is impossible to step over or escape any age period. All periods are equivalent and of equal value for human life. Until about 42 years of age, a person is given the opportunity to realize himself in the material world: get an education, a profession, succeed in family life, raise children. And from 42 to 49 years old, the objective laws of life require a person to switch to other, higher laws of communication with the outside world. At this time, a large role is given to the Spirit. Man was originally conceived by the Creator as material and spiritual and comes into this world to fulfill the task of incarnating the spirit. In the soul of a person, his spirit is fixed - the source of life. If a person does not have a spiritualizing component, he is still on the way from animal to human. A huge number of people around us are soulless. When you talk to them about such topics, they literally “become wild”: they get angry, curse, and perceive any new worldview that is different from theirs as a sect. If a person who has lived to be 40 has never realized his true human nature and direct connection with the Father, then there is no point in talking to him about the midlife crisis. For him, his whole life is a continuous crisis. The crisis of middle age is fundamentally different from the crisis of adolescence. During puberty, a teenager begins to break away from his parents and form his own energy-informational space. He is trying to return the unnecessary cargo with which his loving parents and surrounding adults packed him: all the injustices, pain, insults, inappropriate and incorrect actions of adults towards him. And during a midlife crisis, a person has to part with his own illusions. There comes deep disappointment in what he believed in before. The crisis of middle age is a crisis of Faith. A person can no longer remain at the primitive level of his consciousness - he does not correspond to the nature objectively acting on him. Life itself requires an expansion of the value system, the inclusion of new, higher and more subtle parameters. For a person, this is a difficult and at the same time necessary restructuring. This is a time of growing up and maturing. This is a period of awareness and self-love, as well as acceptance and respect of those around you. The meaning of relationships with loved ones and acquaintances, values ​​and worldview are reconsidered. In a social circle, a person gives preference to like-minded people. Article continues: http://www.ecosophiya.ru/main/part/5-11-190-466