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From the author: The article was submitted by me for the collection of materials of the 3rd All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern education in the conditions of reform: innovations and prospects". It was published on April 10, 2012 . Krasnoyarsk The intensity of socio-economic and political processes in modern society places special demands on the freedom and responsibility of each person, his personal autonomy. However, in such a situation, the individual’s demands on society and government also increase. A person begins to be more demanding about his rights, freedom, and the preservation of the boundaries of his existential space. The problem of violation of the existential space of the individual is the most pressing, since it affects two very important areas of human life. The first area is related to the interaction of the individual in society. Violation of the boundaries of psychological space and personal autonomy of a person by other people can be viewed by him in many cases as aggressive and hostile. On the other hand, according to Yu.T. Abramova, it is through confrontation with other people that a person acquires clear boundaries of his psychological space, protecting them from the danger and destructive influence of another (Abramova Yu.T., 1995). The second sphere is directly related to the manifestation of individual characteristics of a person. Each person develops his own psychological space throughout his life, which includes various components, such as his own body, things, housing, tastes, points of view, values ​​(Nartova-Bochaver S.K., 2008). In the phenomenology of the existential space of the individual, the key place is occupied by the area and state of its boundaries, the so-called physical and psychological markers that separate the area of ​​personal control and privacy of one person from the same area of ​​another. Defining boundaries performs an important function in human life. On the one hand, it determines personal identity in professional activities, social groups (in a team, family), on the other hand, it allows a person to clearly answer the most important question for every person: “Who am I?” Depending on the answer to this question, he chooses ways of behavior, self-expression and self-affirmation that do not violate personal freedom. During periods of personal crises, boundaries change their position, and a person begins to experience difficulties when interacting with the surrounding reality. The problem of violation of the existential space of the individual in modern society occurs frequently, but has not been studied enough, which indicates the need for its further consideration as a psychological phenomenon important for life. person. Authors studying this problem use different interpretations of this psychological phenomenon - “personal space” (G. Zimelle), “living space” (K. Levin), “psychological space of the individual” (S.K. Nartova-Bochaver), “existential personality space" (L.Ya. Dorfman, A.V. Burmistrova). S.K. Nartova-Bochaver interprets the psychological space of the individual as a complex of significant physical, social and psychological phenomena that are experienced by the individual as identical to himself. The state of the boundaries of one’s own psychological world largely determines a person’s attitude towards the elements of the environment and his attitude towards the world as a whole. Depending on whether the surrounding world is perceived as alien or related, a person’s own activity in it is structured (Nartova-Bochaver S.K., 2002). General ideas about the existential (psychological) space of a person allow us to characterize it as a subjective significant fragment of existence that determines the actual activity and strategy of a person’s life. Existential space includes a complex of physical, social and purely psychological phenomena with which a person identifies himself (territory, personal objects, social attachments, attitudes, moral. 35 - 42.