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Every year should be as long as life, new dimensions of consciousness are revealed, new feelings are revealed, give more light, taste, sound, a new quality of inner silence, a new layer of awareness. Change the feeling of inner luminosity, reveal new aspects of personality, change habits and develop them, strengthen the intention to move forward, develop freedom from linear plans, the ability to transform, change the environment, develop relationships. Develop balance, deeper and stronger; develop a mind that is more and more accurate, more and more disidentified with beliefs, internal maps..., appreciate change, appreciate the present and love loved ones... What can be done for this? I don’t know whether the future physically exists, or to what extent it is predetermined, but I assume that much of how perception will work in the future, what the state of consciousness will be, depends on the internal setting. If you stretch the internal designation of time, then even half an hour can become an eternity. Today is an excellent moment to once again try to stretch your time line at least to the limits of our solar system, but at the same time the line must, of course, be able to fold, so that you can always look in fifty years and beyond. How the degree of awareness is plotted on the internal map ? This requires a little internal research. I see it inside myself as a clearer image, cleaner air, more intense inner light. The internal calendar can reflect this development. Considering month after month, year after year, you can strengthen the quality of awareness in it: 2011 - January, February March... 2012, 2013... 2053... events may not be fully known, but the clarity of perception and transparency, the glow can gradually increase. And then you can mentally move forward into the future until a deep and enlightened old age, check how values, inner strength, quality of energy, quality of spirituality will change, give yourself conscious or not quite obligations - to develop. Habits are destiny, this is gait, these are wrinkles , illness, and vice versa health, creativity. It is enough to answer a few questions: what do I do every day, why do I do it, am I a biorobot? Is that accepted? By whom? Whose values ​​do I live by? Every habit needs revision. What am I going to do every day for the rest of my life, and why? What long-term consequences will this lead to? I'm going to do yoga, I'm going to dance, I want to love my job and people, I want to be self-aware, accept imperfections and love change. Which of this should be repeated, which should be transformed, which is already good enough? The most unconscious habit is the personality itself, self-perception, on which beauty salons profit from offering services to “freeze” youth; it is not easy for any person to accept external age-related changes. But if people don’t change, then why do they live? All these external changes that will inevitably occur will express everything that is a personality stereotype: habits of thinking in a certain way, acting, internal values ​​that determine these habits. If I am not a robot, I can change, I can responsibly look into the future and look for resources for these changes. Who am I? What is my calling, talent - my knowledge about myself is just an accident. Like many things I have never done and I’m not sure if I have the ability to do it. Something seemed difficult to me, and I didn’t put in enough effort, somewhere I got a bad teacher, something everyone considered impossible, and I succumbed to the stereotype. Ideas about one's own abilities are always a question, never a certainty. With age, new abilities are often revealed. There's no point in limiting yourself. Today, looking into the future, we can make a lot of assumptions. What else can I do, what talent can show itself, what will give me more pleasure, will be more productive at every stage of life. These questions should not only be asked by children, but also by adults..