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This article talks about a technique that will help relieve emotional stress (this may be an attack of inexplicable anxiety or fear) and/or help end a past relationship, forget an ex-boyfriend, or mend a current one. In any case, we are talking about some unspoken words, unspoken feelings, unexpressed emotions, unlived desires, pain, resentment, disappointment, bitterness, remorse, guilt... but it could also be anxiety, fears... Also, you can read on the topic https ://www.b17.ru/article/276743/ - How to withstand a breakup. One of the techniques is described on how to cope with the swing inside the soul. If the decision to break up is made (no matter by whom), but the heart cries and wants to return love. How to maintain an even position according to the decision made, calm down and move on with your life. Sometimes a person cannot solve a problem because the other person ignores or avoids him, shows reluctance to communicate or shows indifference, this happens with ex-boyfriends, past relationships that you want to end and stop already think about them. If these feelings are about the situation, and not about the person, then the letter is written only FROM MYSELF. If this is a relationship, even if it has actually ended, but continues to influence your life, then write a letter FROM YOURSELF, and then FROM THE OTHER. How to write? Take a piece of paper, a pen and begin to write out everything that pops into your head. No restrictions, no censorship, no morality, beautiful or ugly - away. Write exactly how it sounds in your head. Exactly those same words. And as many times as you think necessary. While writing, you don’t filter anything, don’t re-read, don’t edit. If the same thought comes to mind 25 times while writing, then write it 25 times. They wrote as much as they came. It is important to express all the anger and accusations, I repeat once again, there is no need to be shy in expressions. After all, the ex-man, the guy won’t read all of this, which means you can afford it. This is precisely the therapeutic meaning. What phrases can there be: “I hate..., it infuriates me to the point of horror..., I want to beat you, kill, strangle you..., how could you/could..., let you for that...”. You throw out all the bitterness and resentment: “I’m offended to death by..., I feel so terrible..., it’s as if someone rolled over me with a roller, and it was you..., I’m so bitter..., I’m wildly disappointed...” It’s the feeling of anger that helps you break out of vicious circle and end the relationship. If you have fears, anxieties and apprehensions, express them too, remember, you need to get everything down on paper, even the most secret ones: “I’m so scared that..., you scared me when..., I I'm afraid that..." If you are currently not worried about ex-relationships or ex-men/boyfriends (and also ex-girlfriend), but about anxiety and fear, then you can start right away from this point. I want to stop at this point: describe your fears in as much detail as possible if you feel that it is safe. For people prone to panic attacks, it is better to do this in a specialist’s office. Your task is not to nightmare yourself, but to throw out all your fears and anxieties, express your fears in words, put them into concrete form. A hidden fear has a greater impact than the one you look at. Seeing your fear is already half the victory. If you feel guilty, then write about it too. If tears flow, it’s up to you, of course, to decide whether to cry. It's generally believed that crying helps, but I personally don't think it does for everyone. For some, tears have a depressing effect, and the person feels even worse than before the tears. And if relief doesn’t come, then what’s the point in crying? So, express your guilt, your regret. And then reformulate guilt into responsibility! “I take responsibility for..., I am responsible for that...”, express your regret: “I am sincerely sorry..., I wanted / would like to return everything and fix it..., I repent for that...”. If you feel what is needed, then ask for forgiveness: “Please forgive me..., I am guilty before you, I admit my