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From the author: The relationship with food is formed from infancy, when nutrition is a child’s basic need. Through feeding, the mother conveys her attitude to the child - love, care, the ability to listen to the needs of the child or imposing her decision (for example, when the mother feeds the child not on demand, but by the hour). Later, the child may try to please his parents, showing that he eats well, because he is praised for this, and scolded when he does not finish eating and eats poorly. This is also facilitated by incentives and rewards in the form of candies and sweets. The relationship with food is formed from infancy, when nutrition is a child’s basic need. Children do not distinguish between feelings of hunger and anxiety. In the infant's experiences, feelings of satiety, security, and love are closely linked. Through feeding, the mother conveys her attitude to the child - love, care, the ability to listen to the needs of the child or imposing her decision (for example, when the mother feeds the child not on demand, but by the hour). Later, the child may try to please his parents, showing that he eats well, because he is praised for this, and scolded when he does not finish eating and eats poorly. This is also facilitated by incentives and rewards in the form of candies and sweets. Through food, a child receives attention, care, and love. That is why it is important to form the right attitude towards food and eating habits from early childhood. Without noticing or realizing it, adults follow certain negative scenarios, which in the future bear fruit in the form of disordered eating behavior, inability to listen to one’s body and be aware of his needs in the form of feelings of hunger and satiety; the habit of “eating” negative emotions, eating for company when not hungry, observing socially accepted rituals; replace the lack of love and attention with food, etc. “Until you eat, you won’t leave the table.” The child develops a fear of punishment if he doesn’t finish eating, if the plate is not clean. In this way, the needs of the body are ignored, even without feeling hungry, the child sits in front of a plate and forcibly puts food into himself. In the future, this leads to the fact that a person does not feel his needs, appetite, satiety, hunger. He automatically, at the scheduled time, serves himself a full plate and eats the entire portion. Although, perhaps, only half a serving of “A spoonful for mom” is enough to saturate the body... Shifting attention from the very process of eating food and replacing it with other stimuli. In this case, the development of the habit of replacing other goals and needs with food may occur. It can lead to thoughtless and uncontrolled consumption of food, distraction while eating, for example, while watching TV or reading a book, a person eats a whole box of chocolates, etc. “Oh, such a good boy - he ate everything..." Praise, rewards for food. When the plate is clean, the child is praised, grandmothers are happy and touched when their grandson eats well. And just as in any person there is a desire to receive love and recognition, the child, seeing that he is being praised, is happy to try. Particularly diligent ones already at an early age develop obesity and a number of related problems. Attracting attention from the mother with the help of food. When parents pay insufficient attention to the child, mainly concentrating on the main, from their point of view, manifestations of care. and care - to feed and clothe, while other needs are ignored. The child has to use available methods to attract attention. If the child is cared for only when he is not feeling well, he is forced to get sick in order to receive more love if he is given attention; feeding time, then he will love this process, but not for receiving the nutrients necessary to maintain the body, but for the emotional saturation received from the attention of the parents. “You have a candy for this” Rewarding with food for good behavior and some actions. Candy for “something”: do your homework -.