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“Inflated, as well as low, self-esteem is a consequence of inadequate perception, that is, a violation of Harmony. Those who are overly proud are brought to their senses by decline and humiliation...” Vladimir Vestnik The main essence of pride/defectiveness. Our inharmonious life is the most striking proof of the inharmoniousness of ourselves. Can a person who has a whole “bouquet” of manifestations of inadequate self-esteem be called harmonious? And how can someone who does not have a correct, truthful picture of the world see themselves honestly? False perception will not allow you to see everything in its true light, which leads to self-deception. Where there is deception, there is not and cannot be balance! Extremes in thinking, behavior and reaction are characteristic of a person with inadequate perception. A person either unreasonably rises up, considering someone lower, stupider, poorer, or smaller than himself, or he humiliates himself, groveling before others. Sometimes he is arrogant and arrogant with someone, sometimes he is weak and unsure with someone else. Either he believes that he deserves the best in this world, or he resigns himself to the flawed state of affairs in his life. Either he is ready to go ahead for the sake of his own interests, or he agrees to be a slave, obediently fulfilling someone else’s will. Either he reproaches himself for any mistakes, or he does not notice the grossest violations. Or, even worse, he knows he has many mistakes, but slyly justifies them with various kinds of excuses. Manifestations of pride/defectiveness in a person. The word “pride” is rarely used in everyday life these days. Basically, the speech uses other concepts that are close in meaning, but differ in shades, often simply reflecting different manifestations of pride - ambition, arrogance, vanity, arrogance, pride and others. In the same way, inferiority is more often replaced by concepts that narrow the meaning: self-doubt, low self-esteem. Like any other quality of character (quality of the soul), pride/defectiveness manifests itself in a variety of forms. And it can be pronounced and disguised, hidden in the depths. The first group of manifestations of pride/defectiveness is essentially an exorbitant thirst for power over others. It can be expressed in the form of open contempt for people occupying a lower position, arrogance, arrogance and other similar qualities. In its other extreme, inadequacy is, on the contrary, humiliation, servility, blind worship, etc. The second group of manifestations reflects the desire of any person to achieve more and better than he has. In its pathological form, this expedient property of the soul takes on a negative connotation of ambition, careerism and ambition. On the other side of the coin is lack of self-confidence, underestimation of one’s achievements, fear of taking risks and leaving the comfort zone. The third group is selfishness, multiplied by the lack of correct moral guidelines, which together leads to rudeness, arrogance, impudence and similar manifestations. In contrast to it - all-tolerance, conciliation, false altruism. The fourth group reflects an unreasonable thirst for fame. Hence vanity, boasting and, conversely, dullness, wretchedness, fear of attention to oneself. The fifth is selfishness exalted to the limit, which includes narcissism, narcissism and self-satisfaction. The opposite side is self-criticism to the point of self-flagellation, a false sense of guilt, and the like. Having many manifestations, direct and indirect, in behavior, and in life circumstances, and in speech, and in gesture, and in appearance, and in profession, pride/flawedness is easily determined in a person. Inadequate self-perception can be congenital (brought from the past) and acquired in this life. And, like any stereotypes of thinking, behavior and emotional reaction, stereotypes of inadequate perception can change - both for the worse, increasing with other pathologies and reducing the quality of the soul, and for the better, subject to real work on oneself to overcome this spiritual inferiority. How to overcome pride/flaws in yourself. Determining inadequate self-perception in yourself is not as difficult as it seems, because in.