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First, let’s define what we mean by the term “emotional burnout.” So, emotional burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, to which any person is susceptible to one degree or another, but representatives of professions in the social, rehabilitation and pedagogical spheres constitute a special risk zone, namely: doctors, social workers, teachers, psychologists, coaches, etc. Contrary to popular belief that emotional burnout is some kind of negative reaction of the body to environmental circumstances that needs to be dealt with, emotional burnout protects us from excessive stress! And this same burnout occurs in conditions of intensive communication with other people and, as a consequence, the onset of communicative fatigue caused by a violation of the identification mechanism - alienation. How do you understand that you have the first signs of emotional burnout? To do this, you need to know what stages a person or professional goes through, whose body has already been exposed to excessive stress factors. 📌 The first stage is passion. This stage is characterized by a person having high expectations regarding the business he is engaged in, a state of mild excitability and an inability to focus attention on significant issues. When these signs of emotional burnout appear, it is worth paying attention to the prevention of this condition! 📌 The second stage is disappointment, which is characterized by physical and moral fatigue, forgetfulness, searching for new sources of knowledge and understanding that something needs to be changed. This stage already involves contacting a professional specialist to correct the emotional state. 📌 The third stage is self-detachment, which is characterized by a decrease in interest in various areas of life, a search for those to blame, and an unwillingness to communicate with other people. At this stage, as a rule, it is quite problematic to independently restore strength and come to a resourceful state. 📌 The fourth stage is alienation, when a person experiences emotional and physical exhaustion, lack of interest in the events of external life, activity at the “autopilot” level. I will tell you how to prevent the state of emotional burnout in the next publication, but for now answer yourself honestly the question: “Do you already have signs of this condition?” If your answer turns out to be affirmative, then do not delay seeking help from a specialist 🙌 Your psychologist, coach is Danrika 🎓 You can sign up for a coaching session or psychological counseling with me at 📲 +7 -922-253-81-30Don’t put off your life until tomorrow, live today😊