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Maybe you would like to remain different, Maybe you just wanted to live and fly freely. You know, in life there is always a chance to remain anyone. But there is a question - what will you have to give for it? Denis Maidanov - Nothing is a pity “The choice you make today determines the life you will live tomorrow...” “Every day I have a schedule: I get up at 6 am, go to work at 8 and work until 5 pm, family in the evening, meeting with friends, etc. Time flies unnoticed, I understand that I may be missing something, I don’t have time, there’s simply not enough time. But I really want something more. I notice that my life is standard. I don’t feel happy... And this is my life!” (Kirill, 32 years old). {People climb into fast trains, but they themselves do not understand what they are looking for, said the Little Prince, so they do not know peace, they rush in one direction and then in the other... and all in vain... The eyes are blind. .. You have to search with your heart. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “The Little Prince”} In search of a hint “How to become happy”, I found quite interesting material revised by Elena Nazarenko. It turns out that the American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist Charles Morris thought a lot about human happiness, and finally came up with a formula. This formula is a simple sum of twelve skills or actions, the presence of which is necessary for a person to become happy. The absence of any of the twelve points listed below creates a hole through which unhappiness seeps into a person’s life. 1. Preserving the best that a person has achieved Why is he first? Why the most important? The fact is that when we knew how to do something and were proud of it, and then... lost it, it means that somewhere and sometime we lost some important and best part of ourselves! And they don’t go on a quest for happiness “in pieces.” Find your lost selves, reconnect with yourself, and then go ahead for happiness. Former swimmers - swim. Former dancers - dance. If you know how to crochet, knit something. If you knew something, share this knowledge now. In general, one of the most effective psychotherapies is the collection and restoration of useful skills lost during life. By the way, one of the simple ways to “preserve all the best that a person has achieved” is to constantly pass on one’s experience to younger generations. Therefore, those who “go through” their lives again with their nephews, children and grandchildren have a chance to constantly recharge from this first and main source of happiness - remembering their best skills. 2. Cultivating independence from people and things Previously, everyone, like little ones, depended on both from people and from things! And they considered it normal, decent. And you would not expect such advice from a very ancient Greek who lived in a tiny state the size of a village. He depended on his fellow citizens (and they on him), on his sacred grove, on the stone, on the temple, on the statue of the goddess that protected the city from the plague. He loved to “feel” everything with his hands and that was the only way he felt like a person in his place. But times have changed. All the people mixed and moved - who went where. There are only strangers around, no homeland. There is a faceless Empire that has swallowed up tens of thousands of lovely and small homelands. “Who am I?,” the man asks, “Where is my sacred grove, where are the neighbors, where is the temple of Athena?” Maybe I’m already dead?” “No,” they answer him, “you’re not dead.” You just need to understand that your homeland is the whole world, the entire “ecumene”, your neighbors are all the people who surround you. And your sacred grove is all the nature around you, admire it and worship it. Well, don’t mourn the statue of Athena, which was destroyed along with the temple during the war. Gods are immortal. Is your goddess a marble image? Is she like that? The gods are everywhere, they are talking to you, listen.” It was then that the idea first occurred to humanity that one should not become attached to people, or to things, especially. I carry everything I own with me. What will you take with you on the road? The ability to be happy is probably the first thing you need to take. So, where should it be hidden? Obviously not in things, and!