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From the author: Our life consists of various crises. To be able to pass them with minimal losses, you need to know yourself well. And in a relationship, you also need to trust your partner. I invite you to the workshop "Relationships between..." People get to know each other, people date, people fall in love and get married... Such words are sung in one famous song. And even the first couple of years in marriage, both feel wonderful. The man and woman in the couple are happy, contented, prosperous. Then, one fine day, or not so unexpectedly, but gradually, one of the partners understands that something is wrong: The loved one grew cold, stopped helping, began to behave inappropriately. just like before. And the sweet and affectionate one became grumpy, tired and unkempt. To the questions asked, he/she answers that everything is fine, everything is as before, nothing has changed, you have made it all up. Who is right in this situation and who to believe? Your feelings or your partner’s words? Tolerate and wait until everything returns to normal or do something with yourself and the feelings of resentment, anger, guilt? Such difficulties in relationships are a normal and frequent occurrence. As is right, this is a place of crisis. This is the point in a relationship where you need to stop and see where you have come. Frequently asked questions, who is to blame, and what to do?1. It's nobody's fault. You build a relationship together, and difficulties will definitely begin in it. This is NORMAL.2. So what should we do? As a rule, I do not recommend that my clients immediately attempt to correct the situation. A crisis is a place where you stop, look, and review your life. What do you already have? Are you satisfied with everything? Where do you want to go next? Do you want to stay in this relationship or have they exhausted themselves? In addition to anxiety and pain, there are many resources at this stage, the main thing is not to panic! If you feel that you are being overwhelmed, you don’t know what to do, it seems that everything is bad and life is falling apart. .Don't delay or delay. Don't wait for so many feelings to accumulate in you that it will lead to the destruction of relationships. A psychologist will help you: 1. Look at the situation from the outside.2. Reduce the intensity of passions, express feelings without destroying the relationship.3. Understand what you really want in a relationship and how you can get it.