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How a woman turns into the Snow Queen, we talked in the previous article https://www.b17.ru/article/38063/And now continuation.....You can expect a very long time from the world, that someone will appear and make our life joyful and happy... You can expect a prince on a white horse and wait for his kiss that will melt the ice... You can wait for the sun and warmth from nature... Or you can just start acting yourself. ...Sooner or later comes the understanding or awareness that everything depends on Me...Everything is in my hands. And the sooner this understanding comes, the better.... 1. Accept responsibility for your life. Only you yourself are capable of changing your environment, your attitude towards life, towards the world, towards children, towards work, towards your husband. 2. It is important to understand, what is stopping me from living a full life? Why do I need "cold"? What is he saving me from? What does it protect against? What will I gain and what will I lose if instead of cold there is love and warmth in my heart? As a rule, this is the most difficult stage. By answering these questions, we access the traumatic experience of the past, painful experiences and situations. Most likely, you will need the help of a psychologist here in order to work through all negative beliefs and attitudes using special techniques. 3. Start taking action. The concept of “loving yourself” consists of very simple and elementary things. Start doing little joys for yourself and your body every day. These things are so simple and so basic. Everyone writes about them everywhere. But many continue to ignore them....My dears, start doing and you will notice that warmth fills your heart: Restore contact with your body - listen to your needs and desires. Eat right, rest on time, be sure to move. Fill the day with “small miracles of everyday life” - a contrast shower, exercise, pleasant reading, favorite music, relaxation and everything that brings joy to the soul, everything that lifts your mood. Form it yourself your surroundings - communicate with those who give you a feeling of strength and energy, who charge you with their optimism and happiness. And infect everyone with good emotions! Remember what you loved to do, what you dreamed of - and stop waiting! Start doing it now. Dance, draw, embroider, sew, do something with your hands, sing, read poetry, learn languages! Act right now! Perform any practices that are close and interesting to you - any breathing practices, yoga, meditation, prayer. You have to start with yourself. And when you do at least part of this list, you will notice how your internal state changes, how energy appears, how warmth is felt in your heart and spreads throughout the body. And when a “warm” LIVING mother approaches the child, he will want snuggle up to her and hug her. And you will notice that there is no need to shout and get irritated, offended and angry. Then everything will be done easily - helping the child learn lessons, setting boundaries for the child, demanding that rules be followed, and communicating with children will not be perceived as “hard work” or “punishment”. You will simply begin to Live. Live and appreciate every minute of communication with your child and the world. Love yourself, love and appreciate life and don’t let your children “freeze”!