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From the author: What is real rest, why don’t we give it to ourselves and how, finally, to truly rest. What is rest really? There is no word “rest” in psychological dictionaries. After the term "touch" there is usually "responsibility", and then - "refusal of the human operator" to do something. For me, the connection between lack of rest and human operator failure is direct. This person is simply very tired, including from responsibility. We take anything for a vacation if we are not within the usual working walls: a master class in watercolors, sightseeing tours, parties in clubs, visits from guests.. But in each of these activities, we continue to work tirelessly and diligently because our central nervous system is very busy reflecting what is happening around us. Instead of unloading our heads, we unload or load our muscles and lighten our wallet. Tension becomes background and familiar to us; it seems normal to us. And pleasant laziness and relaxation are often condemned by external or internal figures, and even in those rare moments when we don’t need to do anything, we figure out what to do. You need to be able to rest. And you need to learn the art of relaxation. Try to remember how many books you have come across about how to defeat procrastination, how to perfectly plan your life for the year ahead, how to increase productivity, how to make good use of your free time... And how many books about how to relax during the holidays? really? That's the same. What did Ivan Petrovich think about this? The great Russian scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the same one who loved dogs, a hundred years ago in his works formulated several principles of real relaxation, and since then no one has been better than him did not invent. Here they are: 1) No responsibility for another person 2) No competition 3) There is pleasure If you are in a situation where all these points are met, great! You are resting. If at least one point is missing, you are at serious work, albeit internally. I will explain with examples. Any parent who has gone on vacation with a child will agree how much effort is required to keep the child in sight and devote all the time due attention to how difficult it is to quickly adapt to a new place, climate, unfamiliar menu, foreign language and cultural nuances, and how acutely a child’s and even an adult’s body can react to all this. Those who travel with friends and lovers will agree that intimacy and togetherness are also a certain strain. We make an effort to be with someone. To come up with ways to spend time together, to share the desires and interests of another person, or to defend your own in disputes. It becomes more difficult for us to take care of ourselves, we abandon our needs in favor of the needs of our partner or impose ours on him, because complete coincidence with him is impossible. Even if there is a similarity of tastes and views, it is on vacation that we will inevitably encounter tangible differences in perception, presentation, energy levels, and the pace of both steps and thoughts. Sometimes we may even feel guilty that we have more or less energy to “rest” than someone else. And we either adjust and don’t get full unloading, or we conflict and get even more loaded. In this sense, for a good rest, it is ideal to be not only in an environment suitable for relaxation and pleasure, but also alone. Traveling is stressful. We can relax while traveling only after we have spent a lot of resources on orientation, ensuring safety, organizing our comfort and finding satisfaction of other important needs. Only after this does rest begin. But often it is at this moment, when everything is clear, pleasant and easy, that the vacation ends and it’s time to get back to business... An outing with friends to a paintball club or go-karting is not a vacation. It's a change of activity and fun. There is a lot of excitement, risk, desire to win and other tensions and/