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Every person “speaks” and “hears” about love in the “language” that he understands. Often we do not understand each other simply because we do not know what “love language” is inherent in our partners. Agree that each of us puts our own meaning into love. The reason for this is that people speak different love languages. It is not enough to be sincere; you must express your love in the language of the one you love. Linguists distinguish many languages: Russian, Japanese, French, English, Spanish, Greek, etc. It's the same with emotions. The language you use to express love is different from your partner's, like English is from Chinese. Very rarely do partners speak the same love language. Everyone uses their own language and wonders why they don’t seem to be heard. How do we express love? When do we feel loved? And why don't they understand us? Speaking different languages, you cannot fill each other, and it seems that love leaves, its place is taken by habit or cooling. The famous psychologist Gary Chapman, working for many years as a family consultant, came to the conclusion that there are five love languages ​​- five ways with which people express their love. Knowledge of these 5 love languages ​​will help you get to know yourself, better understand your partner, improve family relationships, and even save an already crumbling marriage. 1. Language of Love - “Words of approval” If this is your love language, then it is extremely important for you to hear words of recognition and love from loved ones, compliments, praise, gratitude for the things you have done. This makes you feel like they really love you. Any criticism and demands, words of condemnation, disapproval and rejection are painful for you. Because of them, it seems to you that no one loves you, accepts you for who you are, that no one needs your efforts and deeds. You can say: “If they approve of you, appreciate you, recognize your efforts, say pleasant things, then you feel loved ones; but if they scold, criticize, make comments, then no.” It is important for such people to be praised not only for themselves, but also for their deeds to be approved, their work, their efforts to be appreciated, because they strive to do so much. As practice shows, this love language is most characteristic of men. It is important for them that the woman they love says: “Go ahead, you will succeed, I believe in you, I love you.” Feeling that he is approved and loved, such a man can easily cope with all difficulties. If this is the love language of your beloved man, tell him more often that you appreciate him and his efforts, praise him even for small things and for helping you. And most importantly, do not scold or criticize, because this will only make your beloved man embittered, but will not be able to heed your criticism and advice. With your approval and love he will achieve more than with criticism and advice.2. Love Language - “Quality Time” This love language is often found among women, but it also happens among gentle, caring men. For such people, the most important thing is to be together, to spend time together: to do something together, to relax together, and especially to communicate deeply and sincerely, to share experiences, completely focusing on each other. For them, relaxing with friends and a loved one at the same time does not count, because complete unity with each other is important, preferably without newspapers, TV, and even other people. It is difficult for such people to live without the attention of a loved one, without communicating with him, without sincere confidential conversations, without resting together. If this is your love language, it may be difficult for you to explain to the man you love that time spent together is the same need as for him - business, for example. If this is the love language of your beloved man, try to find more time to communicate with him, be interested in his thoughts, events that happened during the day, his inner world, because he needs to share a lot with you. And remember that the most important thing for this love language is spiritual unity.3. Love Language - “Receiving Gifts” This love language is more common among women. We all remember from books the images of girls and women who appreciate gifts,!