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Recently, more and more owners of portals and mailing lists are writing e-books. These text files are a great way to gain exposure, build a reputation as an expert, and drive traffic to your site. Books are created both for free distribution and for sale - it all depends on how valuable the information contained in them is and what the authors’ goals are. Most webmasters and entrepreneurs understand the value of an e-book and understand the benefits of sharing your own guide. But they face a number of difficulties: how to find an idea for a book, where to look for material, what format to choose, how to write a book if you got C grades for essays at school. Problems with the book's layout, design, and format are usually resolved quickly. The most difficult stages are searching for ideas and collecting information. There are several ways to create an e-book. Let's consider the main ones. Find the book in yourself Western and Russian Internet entrepreneurs unanimously repeat that every person has knowledge that others will be happy to buy. Each person grew up in unique conditions and gained experience that only he alone has. It doesn’t matter whether he lives in a remote taiga village or the center of New York, works as a mechanic or owns a large company selling computers. Age is also not a barrier - one schoolboy successfully sold website builders through forums, wrote a book about it and sells it 50 pieces a month. The book lies dormant in everyone, the main thing is to find it. The first way to find a topic for a future book is to take a pen, a piece of paper and make a list of all the skills, abilities and hobbies. Also include your profession, if you have one. Write in the column: computers, rabbit breeding, cooking, horse riding. Once you have made your list, read it carefully and check off the items on which you can write a short guide. Maybe you've been growing cacti for several years, and your bookcase is full of books about these thorny plants. Write a guide to growing cacti. Perhaps you are good at carving wood or love origami; in a minute you can make a paper crane or a rose from a napkin. Or are you a magician who constantly surprises your friends with a playing card that suddenly appears in your hand? Your hobbies and skills can be a great basis for a book. There is another way to find a topic for your e-manual. Remember, maybe you were forced to do something for several months or even years? For example, they looked after a disabled person or worked as a mechanic. You can write an excellent manual on caring for the disabled or a book on repairing faucets, pipes, and sinks. An idea for a book can come from failures and crises that you have experienced. Maybe you were fired from your job, and then you learned a new profession and received a position with a salary twice the previous one - write a guide for the unemployed. Have you been overweight and then lost weight? Share your experience. Your husband left you, but you were able to quickly come to terms, realize your own mistakes and find a new companion? Write a book "How to Survive After Divorce." Your successes and achievements are an excellent basis for a book. Have you delivered a dog several times, have all the puppies been born alive and healthy? Write a guide on how to deliver a baby to your four-legged friend. Do you have a parrot that you taught to talk in less than a week? Create a book called Teach Your Parrot to Talk in 7 Days. By the way, one American wrote such a book and, according to rumors, is successfully selling it. Have you assembled your own computer and saved a lot of money? Contain your knowledge in an e-guide. As you can see, almost everyone has some experience that they can sell to others. Of course, your knowledge alone may not be enough. You will have to accumulate a lot of additional information for several months, systematize it, and select the most valuable information. But you will already have the foundation, and with itbetter than without it. Learn something If you don't think you have knowledge that can be put into a book and sold, then learn something new. The method is more complex than the previous one - you will spend a lot of time collecting information, as well as checking it from your own experience. The advantage of this method is that you will essentially be paid for your development. Choose an area to which you will devote the next weeks or months, based on two situations: - I would like to learn this; - I do this sometimes, but I’m not an expert. We always want to learn something. Do you want to masterfully create 3D graphic book covers? Buy guides and programs, practice daily, and within three months your covers will be the envy of professional web designers. All you have to do is choose a field that interests you and accumulate knowledge and experience. It is advisable to allow several months to collect and verify information. However, you set your own deadlines. If you regularly do an activity (maybe a hobby) but are not an expert at it, you can gather the necessary information and you will have the basis for a book. For example, you have a Pekingese dog that you love to train . Representatives of this breed are difficult to train. Your pet has mastered several commands, but it doesn’t go any further. Teach him to lie down, sit, develop the necessary habits, and you will have material for the electronic manual. Having chosen the area in which you will develop, begin to collect information. Subscribe to all newsletters on your topic, borrow the necessary literature from the library, buy manuals at the bookstore. Order the necessary audio and video materials, now this is easy to do via the Internet. Read about 40 pages of text every day. You will collect a large amount of material and will be able to select the most valuable. Check all information from your own experience. Only in this way will you determine which methods work well and which information is reliable. Some information will be useful to you, some you will discard as least valuable. Having your own experience makes you an expert. A great way to gain the necessary knowledge is to communicate with professionals. It is easier to find experts via the Internet. Find forums, newsgroups on your topic and participate in discussions. Find mailing lists, thematic sites and ask questions to mailing list publishers or site owners via email. There are also expert sites where you can choose an expert and ask him questions. Sometimes it is necessary to see the execution of a process; textual recommendations and instructions may not be enough. In this case, you can get by with videos and photographs, and also consult with experts offline, rather than via the Internet. Along the way, you need to keep a work journal or diary, where you should write down all your ideas, goals, and work results. It will be the basis of the e-book. Many authors began their journey this way. One girl was very worried about acne, and there was no thought about writing a book at that time. She started a notebook, tried various methods of getting rid of acne, and wrote down the results in a diary. At first there were two notebooks, then five, six, the problem was solved, the future author of the book became, if not a master, then certainly an expert. The accumulated experience and information was enough for a book, articles for the newsletter and a mini-course. When you think that you have received enough knowledge and acquired the necessary experience, you can begin to guide. List the chapters of your book and write at least one chapter a day. Work in this mode, and in 12-14 days you will have a ready-made e-book. All that remains is to edit it, choose a format, compile and distribute it. Interview a specialist One of the easiest and fastest ways to create an e-book is to interview professionals. There is no need to spend months sitting in the library, searching for articles through Yandex, organizing the information received, and checking themfrom my own experience. All you have to do is find a specialist, interview him and put it in the form of an e-book. It is quite easy to find the person you need via the Internet. This could be the administrator of a well-known portal, a newsletter publisher, or the owner of an online store. The main thing is that he has a reputation on the Internet as a specialist, and that he is an expert in his field. This will ensure trust from buyers - since the interview was conducted with a professional, it means the book is worth buying or reading. Specialists usually agree to give interviews. Firstly, distributing books strengthens their reputation, provides greater fame, and secondly, they receive many new clients, visitors or subscribers. You should understand at least a little about the area that the interview will be devoted to, so as not to ask stupid questions, comment on the expert’s answers and express your opinion. You can not limit yourself to one person and interview several specialists - the book will be larger and more informative. Make a collection of articles, tips, links Another way to create a book is to make a collection of articles and useful tips. In this case, you hardly need to write anything. You just need to find other people’s publications on a certain topic, select the most valuable ones, systematize them and compile them into a book. If you collect articles, you should include any of them in the book only with the permission of the author. It is advisable to take material mainly from foreign sources and sites with paid membership - this will provide the audience with completely new information. The collection must have a clear structure, articles must be divided into sections. Despite the fact that the articles have different authors, the book should be a coherent publication. To increase the quality of your book, you can ask experts to write an article for your book, providing them with additional publicity and another chapter for yourself. A good option for an e-book is a collection of hyperlinks to articles or useful resources. Compiling such a book is not always easy, since links and comments take up little space, and the book must be a book and include at least 50 pages of text. It may take more than a couple of months to find interesting sites and articles. Of course, in this case too the collection should be devoted to one specific topic. The collection may also contain links to forums and discussion groups on certain topics, reviews of audio guides and information products, reviews of electronic manuals, results of surveys and voting, links to sites with paid membership. Everything is limited only by your imagination. Before you distribute your creation, ask yourself - do you like the book? If yes, then give it to one of your acquaintances, friends or partners to read. They can give a number of valuable advice - add another chapter, remove some articles, change the style of presentation. It may be that you will have to write the book again. There is no need to be afraid of this - Tolstoy, Sholokhov, Bulgakov rewrote their works more than once, which subsequently provided them with world fame. Why are you worse? It is worth remembering that before you sit down to create a book, you need to find out whether anyone will read it, whether there is an audience who is looking for such information. Otherwise, you'll spend weeks creating a book that only your mom will like. However, there is enough information on this topic on the Internet. For most webmasters and newcomers to online business, the problem arises precisely at the stage of searching for an idea for a book and selecting the necessary information. I think now you understand that anyone can create a small electronic manual if they have the desire. The most popular ways to create an e-book have been listed above. There are many variations to each method—for example, you can co-author a book, compile rare archival information, purchase resale rights to the book, and then add new chapters. Brainstorm and you'll come up with more than one idea for creating an e-guide. Which method to choose -".